Page 19 - Banking Finance July 2022
P. 19


          The Nifty Smallcap 50 Index captures  Market  regulator  Sebi  has  now  al-  On June 22, Nippon India Mutual Fund
          the movement of the small cap seg-  lowed mutual funds (MFs), with a rider,  had  announced  opening  up  of  its
          ment of the market and was launched  to resume subscriptions  for interna-  schemes – Nippon India US Equity Op-
          on April 1, 2016. It represents the top  tional funds and invest in foreign secu-  portunities Fund, Nippon India Japan
          50 companies selected based on the  rities.                          Equity Fund, Nippon India Taiwan Eq-
          average daily turnover from the top                                  uity Fund, Nippon India Multi Asset
                                            The total foreign  investment  by the
          100 companies selected based on full                                 Fund and Nippon India ETF Hang Seng
                                            fund house shall remain capped at the
          market  capitalisation  in  the  Nifty                               BeES- after SEBI allowed fund houses
                                            investment made as of 1 February. It
          Smallcap 250 Index. The index repre-                                 to invest in overseas stocks to the ex-
                                            implies that any limit available due to
          sented about 2% of the free float mar-                               tent they have sold since February 1,
                                            redemptions in the past few months
          ket capitalization of the stocks listed                              2022.
                                            can be used by the AMCs for fresh in-
          on the NSE as on March 29, 2019.
                                            flows. (Fund-of-funds investing in over-  “Post the resumption of the subscrip-
          As of May 31, 2022, the top five sec-  seas ETFs have a  separate $1 billion  tion in certain NIMF schemes investing
          tors represented in the index were fi-  limit  which  has  not  yet  been  in overseas securities, there has been
          nancial services (34% weight), informa-  breached.)                  substantial utilization of available over-
          tion technology (17%), chemicals 9%),                                seas investment limit. Therefore, with
                                            For example, say, a fund house invested
          telecommunications (6%)  and  con-                                   a view to avoid breach of the overseas
                                            Rs. 100 crore (purchase cost, not the
          sumer durables (5%). Going by stock                                  investment limit as of EOD of February
                                            market value) abroad, as of February
          weights, the top holdings were Central                               1,  2022,  we  propose  to  suspend
                                            2022, and thereafter sold some secu-
          Depository Services India (5%), KPIT                                 lumpsum subscription, switch-ins and
                                            rities due to redemptions by investors.
          Technologies (4%), PVR (3.9%), Com-                                  fresh registration of SIP/STP or such
                                            The new regulation says that the fund
          puter  Age  Management  Services                                     other special product under the follow-
                                            house can now accept inflows until it
          (3.7%) and Multi Commodity Exchange                                  ing  NIMF  schemes,  w.e.f  June  29,
                                            reaches the Rs. 100 crore limit again.
          of India (3.4%). The Nifty Smallcap 50                               2022,” the AMC said in a notice.
          TRI has returned 9.9% since its incep-
                                            Nippon India Mutual Fund           Analysts expect many fund houses to
          tion. Over the last one year, the index
                                                                               follow suit because the actual limit of
          has returned -8.3%.               stops inflows in five inter-
                                                                               investing in international stocks hasn’t
                                            national funds                     been increased by Sebi.  There is an
          MFs resume fresh invest-
                                            A month after resuming inflows into its  overall industry level limit of $7 billion
          ments in overseas funds           international funds, Nippon India Mu-  for mutual funds to invest in overseas
                                                                               securities and an individual limit of $1
          Many mutual funds have started ac-  tual Fund has decided to stop fresh in-
          cepting fresh inflows into their over-  vestments in the schemes. The fund  billion for each scheme. This limit was
          seas funds, after suspending them for  house has suspended lumpsum subscrip-  breached on February 1st, this year.
          almost five months. In February 2020,  tion, switch-ins and fresh registration of  Later, Sebi had allowed mutual funds
          asset management companies (AMCs)  SIP/STP under the five schemes that in-  to invest in accordance with the out-
          investing in overseas securities were  vest in international stocks. The move  flows from the international  funds.
          advised to stop subscriptions to avoid  is to protect the breach of the available  However, the new limit has been de-
          the breach of industry-wide overseas  overseas investment limit put by the  pleted within a month for Nippon In-
          limits of $7 billion.             Securities and Exchange Board of India.  dia MF.

                           Banks stare at huge MTM losses as yields rise
           Banks are staring at significant mark-to-market losses in April-June quarter as some of them approached the Reserve
           Bank of India seeking a one-off relaxation following rises in bond yields.
           Banks are seeking to spread the losses over four quarters instead of the June quarter alone. Lenders with IFR provi-
           sions are much better placed for the June-quarter earnings. During the three-month period, the benchmark bond
           yields surged as much as 76 basis points to a high of 7.60% on June 13. When yields rise, prices fall.

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