Page 47 - Banking Finance July 2022
P. 47








          Introduction                                        countries, lenders prefer land as a collateral for the four
                                                              characteristics -Easy locatibility, Easy  Identification, Easy
          A constitution as voluminous as ours surprisingly refers to
                                                              Valuation  and High Liquidity.  Land, as  per the  Seventh
          land only fleetingly. Spread over 395 articles in 22 parts and
                                                              schedule of the  cosdtitution  is pre  dominantly a  state
          eight schedules, the subject of land comes up in only four
                                                              subject. The Indian land market, is therefore a series of state
          parts .One of the important provisions was The Right to
                                                              land markets with varying levels of land administration rules,
          Property, a fundamental right under Article 19 and Article
                                                              laws, revenue and usages.
          31 of the Indian Constitution. This article guaranteed the
          citizens right to acquire, hold and dispose of the property.
                                                              Land as a collateral in India
          However  this  fundamental  right  was  changed  to  a
          constitutional right by the 44th constitutional amendment  Traditionally in finance, land has been considered to be good
          act, 1978. Property is an institution governing the control  collateral for three main reasons-it is easily traceable and
          over scarce resources in the hands of the individual. Citizens  identifiable and cannot be easily siphoned off as easily as
          have the right to own and possess the property and also to  movables, it is easily reusable and unlike movables its value
          put the property into use for credit dispensations. In most  does  not  erode  over  time  (at  least  in  India).  The
                                                              heterogeneous laws  across states and  the fragmented
                                                              nature of land markets in India has significantly increased
                        About the author                      the cost of collateralization-the cost incurred by borrowers
                                                              and lenders in the provision and acceptance of a collateral
           Rishi Prakash                                      and its subsequent liquidation upon default. Assets provided
           Senior Manager (Faculty),                          as collateral have certain desirable characteristics. Banks
           Union Bank of India,
                                                              prefer assets whose title and value are easily determinable,
           Staff Training Centre Bhopal
                                                              while borrowers prefer assets where there is maximum

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