Page 136 - Fire Insurance Ebook IC 57
P. 136

Fire and Consequential Loss Insurance

Important Points to Remember

Proposal form - Contents

n Details about proposer
n Coverage
n Details of property
n Details of sum insured
n Declaration by insured

Risk inspection report

Risk inspection report is required for huge risks like large factories,
industrial complexes.

Main objective

n Provide the underwriter with a complete picture of the risk so that
     he is enabled to determine the rates of premium and the terms of

n Make recommendations to the insured in regard to risk
     improvement and better housekeeping.

n Risk improvement may result in application of lower rates of
     premium and discounts in premium. Risk improvement will
     considerably reduce the loss potential and loss prevention
     benefits not only the insured "but indirectly the entire

n Securing valuable information about past insurance and claims
n To assess the probable maximum loss and to fix the retention

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