Page 201 - Fire Insurance Ebook IC 57
P. 201

The Insurance Times

              Actuary or Financial Adviser or Chief Financial
              Officer or any other top management executive
              who is not responsible for business development
              to act as a moderator of rates and terms that are
              quoted as individually rated risks under File and
              Use guidelines The basic principles governing
              delegation of authority are as important as the
              designation of the officers who are given

Firstly , authority should commensurate with the
persons' technical competency.

Secondly the decisions that can have a significant
impact on the company's exposure should be taken
by consultation among at least two persons with
adequate competencies.

Thirdly a person who is responsible for business
development ,even if he is the CFO or FA can not
be a moderator or underwriter without sufficient
supervisions by persons with adequate underwriting

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