Page 10 - Banking Finance November 2022
P. 10


          Reserve Bank

          RBI  tightens  disclosure         the reported profit before provisions  RBI ban on M&M recovery
                                            and contingencies.
          norms on NPA divergence                                              agents
          Norms  that  applied  to  commercial RBI releases 'alert list' of    The RBI barred Mahindra & Mahindra
          banks on disclosing divergence in asset                              Financial Services from appointing any
                                            34  entities  barred  from
          classification and provisioning will hold
                                                                               agents  for recovery or repossession.
          good  for  urban  cooperative  banks forex trades
                                                                               The move comes in the wake of the
          (UCBs) also, the Reserve Bank of India  After receiving repeated enquiries on  private lender's recovery agents mow-
          (RBI) said.                       the authorisation status of certain elec-  ing down a pregnant borrower during
          The regulator also revised  specified  tronic  trading platforms  for foreign  a vehicle repossession in Hazaribagh,
          thresholds for commercial banks to dis-  exchange  transactions,  the  Reserve  Jharkhand.
          close  divergence from  this financial  Bank of India has released a list of en-
                                                                               Recently recovery agents of Mahindra
          year (FY23).                      tities that are not authorised to under-
                                                                               & Mahindra Financial Services, while
                                            take such trades.
          Banks will make disclosures if they sat-                             repossessing a tractor from a borrower
          isfy either of the two conditions: First,  The list, which will be referred to as an  Mithilesh Kumar Mehta, ran over his
          when additional provisioning for non-  'alert  list',  is not  exhaustive  and  is  22-year-old  pregnant daughter, who
          performing assets (NPAs) assessed by  based on the latest information avail-  had asked to see their identity cards.
          the RBI  exceeds  10 per cent of the  able to the RBI at the time, the cen-  Following an uproar, M&M Financial
          reported profit before provisions and  tral bank said. The list includes entities  Services said it would investigate and
          contingencies;  second,  when  addi-  that are neither authorised to deal in  review the practice of using third-party
          tional gross NPAs identified by the regu-  foreign exchange under the Foreign
                                                                               collection agencies.
          lator exceed 10 per  cent of the re-  Exchange Management Act, 1999 nor
                                                                               RBI  stepped  in,  while  allowing  the
          ported incremental gross NPAs.    to operate electronic trading platforms
                                                                               lender to continue with recovery ac-
                                            for forex transactions.
          It gives a leeway to UCBs, for which the
                                                                               tivities using its employees. "This ac-
          threshold for reported  incremental  The central bank's list has a total of 34
                                                                               tion is based on certain material super-
          gross NPAs will be 15 per cent. This  entities. Some of the entities listed are
                                                                               visory concerns observed in the said
          threshold will be reduced progressively  Alpari,  AnyFX, Ava Trade, Binomo, e
                                                                               NBFC, with regard to the management
          for UCBs in a phased manner after re-  Toro,  Exness,  Expert  Option,  FBS,
                                                                               of its outsourcing activities," it said.
          view, RBI said.                   FinFxPro and
          The  disclosure  norm  will  become  OctaFX, one of the entities which has
                                                                               Idea to link all credit cards
          stricter from FY24. Banks will have to  been listed, is an official sponsor of the
                                                                               with UPI: RBI ED
          disclose divergence when the GNPAs  Delhi Capitals team in the Indian Premier
          assessed by RBI exceed 5 per cent of  League cricket tournament, reports said.  Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has started
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