Page 39 - DTPA Journal December 21
P. 39

e         Journal

                                                                                           Nov. - Dec., 2021

                               15 FAQs on Rule 86B   Mandatory 1%

                                        cash payment on output GST

                                                        CA Subham Khaitan

                   Rule  86B  has  undergone  severe  criticism  from   Rs.  6  crores  in  a  financial  year,  will  he  also  be
                 various  stakeholders  ever  since  the  same  has  been   required to comply with the said rule?
                 notified by the Government. It puts a restriction on the   Ans. One does not need to cumulatively calculate the
                 amount which can be used from the electronic credit
                                                                    taxable  supplies  by  merging  values  of  the  earlier
                 ledger  while  making  the  payment  of  output  taxes.   month. One needs to only find the taxable supplies of
                 Through this article, the author purports to analyze the   the current month to determine if it exceeds Rs. 50
                 provisions and its practical implications by answering   lakhs. If yes, one needs to comply with this provision.
                 the  most  commonly  asked  questions  relating  to  this
                 rule.                                                Thereby if in any month, the limit of Rs. 50 lakhs is
                                                                    not crossed but the turnover is more than Rs. 6 crores in
                   Q1.  What  does  the  rule  86B  require  of  the   a  financial  year,  Rule  86B  does  not  need  to  be
                 taxpayers?                                         complied with. On the other hand, if the turnover is less
                                                                    than Rs. 6 crores in a financial year but the taxable
                   Ans. It mandates cash payment of 1% of the output
                 tax  liability  on  a  monthly  basis  for  the  registered   supplies for any month exceeds Rs. 50 lakhs, then Rule
                 persons who are covered by this rule. This payment of   86B stands attracted.
                 liability in cash would be required irrespective of the   Q5. If a registered person has multiple kinds of
                 fact that there is an existing balance in the electronic   supplies  i.e.  taxable,  exempt,  non-taxable  and
                 credit ledger.                                     exports, whether the limit of Rs. 50 lakhs should be
                                                                    calculated cumulatively?
                   Q2.  Will  this  limit  of  1%  cash  payment  be
                 calculated by including the reverse charge payments   Ans. The value of all zero-rated supplies including
                 also?                                              exports  and  supplies  to  SEZ  will  be  excluded  for
                                                                    calculating  the  limit  of  Rs.  50  lakhs.  Further,  the
                   Ans. The limit of 1% is on the output tax liability only.
                 Reverse  charge  payments  cannot  be  considered  as   exempted supplies (which also includes non-taxable
                                                                    supplies) will also not be counted towards this Rs. 50
                 payment of output taxes. Thereby, the limit of 1% will
                                                                    lakhs. Therefore, the limit of Rs. 50 lakhs will only be
                 exclude the portion of taxes which has been paid under
                 reverse charge.                                    calculated by considering the taxable supplies.
                                                                      For example, if in any month, taxable supplies are of
                   Q3. Which persons are required to comply with
                 this rule?                                         Rs.  40  lakhs,  exports  of  Rs.  20  lakhs  and  exempt
                                                                    supplies of Rs. 10 lakhs, Rule 86B will not be attracted
                   Ans.  Only  registered  persons  who  have  taxable   in that month.
                 supplies of more than Rs. 50 lakhs in a particular month
                                                                      Q6. If a registered person has both taxable (say
                 (subject to certain exceptions) must comply with this
                                                                    Rs. 60 lakhs in a month) and zero rated supplies
                                                                    (Rs. 30 lakhs in a month), will the requirement of
                   Q4. If a registered person has a turnover of more   1% payment in cash be applicable on both kinds of
                 than Rs. 50 lakhs in a particular month but less than   supplies?


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