Page 48 - Insurance Times September 2021
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India. He emphasised that the penetration of insurance in  required. Knowledge of business functions like actuarial,
         India compared to world average was dismal so there was  underwriting, risk management, claims, finance and
         a lot of room for growth in this sector. Mr. Kalra told the  accounting was essential. According to him collaboration,
         audience that the insurance industry was going through a  adaptability, creativity, handling uncertainty, and the ability
         transformation and rapid changes in technology were taking  to learn were power skills.
         place. People looking to make a career in insurance needed
                                                              He also discussed how India was well placed for rapid growth
         to adapt to new technology and should acquire leadership
                                                              in requirement of insurance services. He also discussed the
         skills along with a growth mind-set apart from having core
                                                              protection gap, changing population and demographics and
         business knowledge. Since insurance was push product
                                                              the growing use of technology in all business spheres.
         rather than pull product in India there was need to make
         insurance relevant to people.                        Lastly he stressed that one should always be curious and
                                                              ready to learn new things. Learning should never stop at
         Mr. Kalra outlined the skills a professional should acquire to
         be successful in the insurance sector in the future. In the  any time or age. Accepting failure and taking learnings from
                                                              failure was important to move ahead in life.
         future, professionals would require technical talents, core
         business functions, and power skills. Data science, AI/ML,  The session concluded with a vote of thanks to the guest of
         and automation will be among the technological capabilities  honour by Prof. Pratik Priyadarshi. T

             Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Announces up to 15 percent Reduction in
                         Premium Rates of its Term Plan - ABSLI DigiShield Plan

           Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance (ABSLI), the life insurance subsidiary of Aditya Birla Capital Limited (ABCL), announces
           reduction in the premium rates in ABSLI DigiShield Plan by up to 15% thereby making it one of the most competitive
           offering in the Term Insurance space. This plan caters to the unique protection needs of customers and can be
           personalized to suit specific protection needs. Unlike traditional term plans, ABSLI DigiShield plan allows a customer to
           enjoy a guaranteed recurring income starting from age 60 years through the Survival Benefit Option. Further, it provides
           a unique flexibility to reduce the sum assured at a pre-defined retirement age, allowing customers to align their cover
           as per their outstanding liabilities and the life stage.
           ABSLI DigiShield Plan offers extensive flexibility to cater to one’s varied protection needs across life stages by offering
           multiple plan options to choose from, joint life protection, critical illness cover, and rider options to tailor-make a distinctive
           protection solution for the customers and their loved ones.

           Commenting on the premium price reduction of ABSLI DigiShield Plan, Mr. Kamlesh Rao, MD & CEO, Aditya Birla Sun Life
           Insurance, said, “The pandemic lasted longer than expected with people experiencing strains on their personal finances.
           We have been meticulously observing the pandemic experience before making any price revisions in our products. With a
           rise in demand for term plans, we have consciously announced reduction in premium for ABSLI DigiShield Plan, a hyper-
           personalized term plan offering, to suit our customer’s ever evolving monetary needs. We urge customers to take benefit
           of this reduced premium pricing of this holistic term plan, providing financial protection for self and loved ones.”
           This plan also provides various premium payment terms, policy tenures and death benefit pay-out options to satisfy
           unique customer requirements. This holistic plan mitigates liabilities, provides protection to loved ones, and supports
           retirement and legacy goals.

                  Second wave impact makes Insurers increase provision pool
           The impact of the second wave, which saw higher fatalities than the first one, coupled with elevated levels of claims
           that life insurers have received in Q1, resulted in insurers increasing their provision pool. This is over and above the
           amount they had set aside at the beginning of the financial year. Insurers, in the April-June quarter of FY22, have seen
           a huge spike in death claims due to Covid. And, experts said, Covid death claims in Q1 are higher than the cumulative
           Covid-related death claims in the entire FY21. The overall claims burden has also increased due to the mounting Covid
           claims, they said.

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