Page 288 - Motor Insurance Ebook IC 72
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The Insurance Times

         for breach of contract or for tort. If negligence is
         established, damages are awarded against the insured.

The damages are of two types:
a. Special Damages: These relate to actual financial

    loss or expenses resulting from the accident.
    Examples are medical surgical and hospitalization
    expenses, loss of salary and income, funeral expenses,
    etc. These damages have to be specifically proved
    and supported by bills, vouchers, etc.

b. General damages: These damages are those,
    which the law presumes to a flow from the
    negligence complained of. These damages are
    awarded as monetary compensation for pain and
    suffering, mental and nervous shock, loss of
    amenities of fire, loss of enjoyment of life, continued
    impairment of health, loss of prospective earnings,
    loss of matrimonial prospects in the case of facial
    disfigurement etc.

Pain and suffering mean no more than the suffering
attributable to the injury itself and to any
consequential surgical operation past and future
suffering, pain, duration and its severity are taken
into account. Damages are given both for mental
and physical paid and suffering.

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