Page 37 - Insurance Times April 2021
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estate only if death had nexus with the injuries and only  This provision may however impact some burden on
             in such cases the legal heirs would be entitled to come  claims from the perspective of the insurers.
             on record and continue with the prosecution of the
             claim. After Amendment of the Act, the right of a  17. Driver Refresher Training Course (Section 20
             person to claim compensation for injury in an accident  with Section 200):
             shall survive to his legal representatives, upon the death  A new provision has been introduced mandating a
             of the person injured irrespective of whether the cause  condition to undergo driver refresher training course for
             of death is relatable to or had any nexus with the injury  reviving licence after suspension/ revocation under
             or not.                                             Section 19 and also for compounding of traffic offences
                                                                 under Section 200.
         14. Quantum for Appeal (Section 173):
             No appeal shall lie against any award of MACT if the  18. Community Service as Punishment (Section 2
             amount in dispute in the appeal is less than Rs. 1,00,000.  (4a):
             Earlier this amount was Rs. 10,000. This may reduce  The Amendment Act introduces a provision of
             litigation and appeals by the insurance companies.  Community Service. It means an unpaid work, in which
             Normally, insurers themselves were not encouraging  a person is required to perform as punishment for an
             the practice of appeal for smaller quantum.         offence committed under this Act. This provision
                                                                 encourages the reformative theory of punishment and
                                                                 serves the dual purpose of punishment as well as social
         15. Currency of Driving Licence (Section 14):
             The currency of DL for transport vehicles is now
             extended to remain valid for 5 years & for the transport
                                                              19. Licensing of Cab Aggregators (Section 1A):
             vehicle carrying goods of dangerous or hazardous
                                                                 The Amendment Act defines "Aggregator" as a digital
             nature validity is extended to 3 years instead of validity
                                                                 intermediary or market place for a passenger to
             of 3 years and one year respectively earlier for such
                                                                 connect with a driver for the purpose of transportation.
             vehicles. The validity of license for other vehicles for a
                                                                 These aggregators will be issued necessary licenses by
             license holder under 30 years remains valid till 40 years  the State. Aggregators are required to comply with the
             and over 30 years of age and below 50 years the validity  extant provisions of Information and Technology Act,
             is extended for 10 years. After attaining the age of 50  2000.
             years, till 55 years the validity is extended till the age
             of 60 years. On attaining the age of 55 years the DL is  20. Liabilities of Guardians in Case of Accidents by
             extended for a period of 5 years. Earlier the DL's
                                                                 Juveniles (Section 199(A):
             currency remained valid for 20 years or till the person
                                                                 The Amendment Act by inserting this section impose
             attained the age of 50 years, whichever was earlier and
                                                                 liability & fine of Rs. 25000 with a provision of three
             thereafter it was extended for a period of 5 years.  years imprisonment on guardian or the owner of the
                                                                 vehicle responsible for an accident caused by a juvenile.
         16. Renewal of Driving Licence (Section 15):
                                                                 The juvenile will also be tried under the Juvenile Justice
             The grace period of 30 days for every DL has now been  (Care and Protection of Children) Act while the
             omitted in the MV (Amendment) Act 2019. However,    registration of the vehicle will be cancelled. Only time
             where the application for the renewal of a licence is  will tell whether this would aid towards controlling
             made either one year prior to the date of its expiry, the  driving by youngsters who are not even eligible to get
             DL shall be renewed with effect from the date of its  a driving licence.
             renewal. The time limit for renewal of driving licence
             thus increased from one month to one year before and  21. Property (Section 145):
             after the expiry date. Where an application is made  Baggage of passengers is now included in the definition
             more than 3 years after the DL ceasing to be effective,  of the property. Amendment Act property includes
             the licensing authority may refuse to renew the licence  roads, bridges, culverts, causeways, trees, posts,
             unless the applicant undergoes and passes a test of  milestones and baggage of passengers and goods
             competence to drive to its satisfaction.            carried in any motor vehicle.

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