Page 189 - Insurance Surveyors Book Ebook IC S01
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B.E./ B.Tech./ B.Sc. (Engg.)/ A.I.M.I.E. or its equivalent; Diploma of 3 years duration
6. Miscellaneous from a recognised institution or its equivalent; C.A./ I.C.W.A.; A.I.I.I./ F.I.I.I./ Post
Graduate Diploma in Insurance from IIRM;
7. LOP C.A./ I.C.W.A; A.I.I.I./ F.I.I.I
8. Crop Insurance* B. Sc. in Agricultural Science from a recognised University.
* The details of the training and examination for Crop Insurance shall be notified separately.
1. In order to qualify for enrolment and licensing, an applicant should have secured a degree or diploma of a
recognized Institute after attending full time course and passing the examination as a regular student.
2. All technical Degree/Diploma stated above shall be obtained from AICTE approved Institutions.
IRDAI (Insurance Surveyors and Loss Assessors) Regulations, 2015
1.The applicant should satisfy the Authority that: -
(1) He is a fit and proper person to be licensed as Surveyor and Loss Assessor
(2) The directors/partners of corporate surveyor are fit and proper to hold their offices
(3) All of its substantial shareholders/promoters/partners are fit and proper persons;
2.Declaration and Undertaking for directors/ partners/ promoters of corporate surveyors
(1) ‘Declaration and Undertaking’ prescribed for the purpose of conducting due diligence to determine the ‘fit
and proper’ status of surveyors and loss assessors and directors/ partners/ promoters of corporate
surveyors is given below. Henceforth, surveyors and loss assessors shall use the below format for
submitting declaration and undertaking for the purpose of grant of license and/or renewal thereof.
(2)A separate form needs to be submitted by each individual applicant:
Name of the Surveyor (Corporate Surveyors)
I. Personal Details
a. Full Name
b. Position in Surveyor entity
c. Date of Birth
d. Educational Qualifications
e. Relevant Background and Experience
f. Permanent Address
g. Present Address
h. E-mail address/ telephone numbers
i. PAN under the Income Tax Act Name and address of Income
Tax Circle
j. Address Proof
k. Relevant knowledge and experience in Insurance
l. Any other information relevant to position
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