Page 47 - Banking Finance June 2023
P. 47


          Introduction                                        the economic development of a country. Banking system in
                                                              the world undergoing substantial ups and downs especially
          "Internal Auditing is an independent, objective assurance
                                                              in the last decade and India is also not an exception. One
          and consulting activity designed to add value and improve
                                                              has to appreciate the strength and the manner in which the
          an organization's operations. It helps an organization
                                                              banking system in India has withstood the pressures. The
          accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined
                                                              credit for this sustenance goes to all those who were
          approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk
                                                              controlling and managing the banking system during this
          management, control, and governance processes" -The
                                                              turbulent period.The Audit of banks has played a major role
          Institute of Internal Auditors.
                                                              in assisting the Regulators to supervise the entire banking
                                                              system in the country even through these difficult times.
          The soundness of the Banking System in any country is a
          major indicator of the economic strength of that country.
                                                              Audit is an Independent Management Function, which
          The emergence of a robust banking system contributes to
                                                              involves a continuous appraisal of the functioning of entity's
                                                              Strategic Risk, Management Risk and Internal Control
                               About the author               System. The prime responsibility of the internal audit
                                                              function is towards the Top Management. In liberalized
                       Raj Kumar Sharma
                                                              environment, its role  is  much wider. It  owes  greater
                       Chief  Manager,    Faculty  Member  at
                                                              responsibility  towards  shareholders, depositors  and
                       Union Learning Academy,
                       Union Bank of India, Mangalore
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