Page 4 - Life Insurance Today May 2016
P. 4


   Editorial                                               3    Insurance Sector underwent a
                                                                       lot of sea-changes, when it was
   The Road ahead for the Life Insurance Industry          5           privatized in 1999 and the In-
   - R. Venugopal                                              surance Regulatory & Development
                                                               Authority of India- IRDAI- came into
   Thinking about & having empathy for -                   11  being. Now one more revolutionary
   The Indian Insurance Agents                                 change is sweeping across the Sector
   Marketing forces being deployed for saling                  with the passing of the Insurance Act
   insurance products                                          2015 by the Government of India.
   - Anabil Bhattacharya
                                                                Indian life insurance industry
   MetLife Mera Term Plan                                  24            has seen two stages of
   from PNB MetLife Life Insurance Co. Ltd.                              growth, since liberalization in
                                                               FY 2001. Insurance penetration as a
   Childsurance Savings Protection Insurance Plan              percentage of GDP grew by 75% in FY
                                                               2008 as compared to FY 2003, where,
   from IDBI Federal Life Insurance Co. Ltd                25  there has been a 24% fall in the FY
                                                               2013 as compared to FY 2008 (Ref.
   III Updates                                             26  FICCI & BCG, 2013). Even Life Insur-
                                                               ance which was initially hailed as a
   IRDAI Circular                                          29  sunshine sector is now witnessing
                                                               doldrums due to quite a lot of under-
   LEGAL                                                   31  lying factors. Our country witnessed a
                                                               23% decline in economic growth in
   Life insurers form repository to fight fraud            34  the last 5 years, which has caused a
                                                               radical shift in the public mindset to
   Statistics                                              36  physical assets as opposed to financial
   LIC News                                                38
                                                                The new rules in the life in-
   Pvt. Life News                                          39            surance industry have made it
                                                                         impossible for an insurer to
   IRDAI News                                              40  reject a claim after three years. For
                                                               you, this is good as your insurer can't
   Glossary & Poll                                         42  deny your beneficiary insurance
                                                               money if a claim is made after three
                                                               years of buying a policy. Within three
                                                               years, the insurer can investigate the
                                                               claim and repudiate on grounds of
                                                               fraud or misrepresentation.

4                                                May 2016      Life Insurance Today
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