Page 8 - Banking Finance December 2022
P. 8


          Subsequently, the commerce ministry  surance, was cheated again and lost Rs  report by Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
          notified guidelines that will enable ex-  7.4 lakh recently after he had received  The three countries accounted for 36
          porters to get stipulated benefits un-  calls from an RBI "ombudsman" who  per  cent  of  inward  remittances  in
          der the foreign trade policy even if the  won his  trust by referring to  his all  2020-21.
          export realisation is in the domestic  policy details.
          currency, and not dollar.
                                            The victim, Biswajit Sarkar, lodged a New  Data Protection Bill
                                            complaint with the Electronic Complex  moots Rs. 500-cr  fine for
          World Bank: India needs           police station. The caller promised to
                                            help him get back the money, which he
          to spend $840 billion to
                                            had lost to the 2019 fraud.        The government has raised the pen-
          meet  urban  population                                              alty amount  to up to Rs. 500  crore,
                                            The accused, who impersonated as an
          needs                             officer of  the  ombudsman  cell, de-  apart from setting up a Data Protec-
                                                                               tion Board of  India, under the draft
          To meet the needs of the growing ur-  manded the money as TDS from him.
                                                                               Digital  Personal  Data  Protection
          ban population, India needs to increase  "The victim walked into the trap for
                                                                               (DPDP) Bill, 2022 released.
          its annual investment in city infrastruc-  second time and paid him the money,"
          ture from an average of $10.6 billion  said  an  officer. Cops  have  started a  The draft is open for public comments
          a year in the past decade to an aver-  probe.                        till December 17.
          age of $55 billion a year for the next
                                                                               "If the Board determines at the con-
          15  years,  a  World  Bank  report  re- DBS Bank moots Singapore-
                                                                               clusion of an inquiry that noncompli-
                                            TN corridor for real-time          ance by a person is significant, it may,
          The report, titled 'Financing India's In-                            after giving the person a reasonable
                                            cross-border remittances
          frastructure  Needs:  Constraints  to                                opportunity of being heard, impose
                                            DBS Bank India Limited, the wholly-
          Commercial Financing and Prospects                                   such a financial penalty as specified in
                                            owned subsidiary of Singapore-head-
          for Policy Action', estimated that India                             Schedule 1, not exceeding rupees five
                                            quartered DBS Bank Ltd, is exploring
          would need $840 billion over the next                                hundred crore in each instance," the
                                            establishing a 'Singapore-Tamil Nadu
          15 years.                                                            draft said.
                                            corridor' for real-time cross-border re-
          "By 2036, 600 million people will be                                 This  penalty amount is  much higher
                                            mittances, besides attracting NRI de-
          living in urban cities in India, repre-                              than proposed by a previous draft. The
                                            posits from the large Tamil diaspora in
          senting 40% of the population. This is                               draft Personal Data Protection Bill in
                                            the island city-state.
          likely to put additional pressure on the                             2019  proposed  a penalty  of Rs. 15
                                            DBS has "worked on a product", says
          already stretched urban infrastructure                               crore or four per cent of  the global
                                            Bharath Mani, Executive Director and
          and services  of  Indian  cities  -  with                            turnover of an entity.
                                            Head-Retail Customer  Segment, DBS
          more demand for clean drinking water,
                                            Bank India. A few other banks in the  The draft has proposed a graded pen-
          reliable  power  supply, efficient  and
                                            ecosystem also "want to partner with  alty system for data fiduciary that will
          safe road transport amongst others.
                                            us", he adds. Mani told mediapersons  process the personal data of data own-
          Currently, the central  and state gov-
                                            in Chennai that the bank was examin-  ers only in accordance with the provi-
          ernments finance over 75% of city in-
                                            ing ways to speed up both commercial  sions of the Act. The draft proposes a
          frastructure, while urban local bodies
                                            and individual remittances "by creat-  penalty of up to ?250 crore if the Data
          (ULB) finance 15% through their own
                                            ing an express highway, with us lead-  Fiduciary or Data Processor fails to pro-
          surplus revenues," a World Bank state-
                                            ing along with other banks".       tect data under its possession  from
          ment said.
                                            Essentially, the initiative will make it
                                            easier for people in Singapore to send  The same set of penalties will be ap-
          Trader loses Rs. 7.4 lakh to
                                            money to India. Singapore, along with  plicable to the data processor-which
          'ombudsman' fraud                 the US and the UK, has emerged as one  will be an entity that will process data
          A 46-year-old trader, who was alleg-  of the important  sources  of  inward  on behalf of the Data Fiduciary, the
          edly duped in 2019 in the name of in-  remittances,  according to  a  recent  draft said.
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