Page 15 - Insurance Times April 2022
P. 15

insurance premiums significantly in the  crore worth of claims against Rs 167.7  retirement, legacy planning and buying
         past two years. This is on the prodding  crore last year, according to a  a property.
         of reinsurers because of the worsening  statement.
         mortality experience.                                                 SUD Life registers 80 pc
                                            "The second wave of Covid impacted
                                            every insurer, but we are in a unique jump in new business
         Insurance firms step up            position to cover breadwinners from  premium to Rs 1,309 crore

         stock purchases amid               the lower-to-middle income segments.
                                            As of December, we have paid claims in Dec quarter
         market swings
                                            that have helped over 38,500 families,  SUD Life reported an 80 % jump in its
         Domestic insurers, led by the Life  thrice what we did last year," said  new business premium income to Rs
         Insurance Corporation of India (LIC),  Casparus Kromhout, MD & CEO,   1,309 crore for the quarter ended
         have stepped up their equity purchases  Shriram Life Insurance.       December 2021.
         amid relentless selling by foreign  The claims settlement ratio of the
         portfolio investors (FPIs). Since                                     The insurer honoured around Rs 550
         November last year, domestic       company has improved to 95 % from  crore worth of gross claims during nine
         institutional investors (DIIs) have  92 % in FY21 and 91 % of all retail  months to December 2021, compared
         shopped for equities worth Rs 1.53  claims made after three years of policy  with Rs 157 crore in the year-ago
         trillion, of which roughly a third have  commencement were settled within  period.
                                            24 hours. More than 48 % of the retail
         been bought by insurers.                                              It witnessed a 29 % rise in renewal
                                            claims settled by the company were
         LIC alone accounts for about 70 % of  from the rural segment.         premiums to Rs 1,536 crore, compared
         the insurers' flows, according to  Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Uttar   with Rs 1,193.4 crore during this period
         market watchers. This buying,                                         and witnessed a further improvement
         combined with inflows from mutual  Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Tamil  in the 13th-month persistency.
         funds (MFs), which have pumped in  Nadu accounted for the highest retail  The company's 13th-month persistency
         excess of Rs 1 trillion since November,  claims settled.              ratio now stands at 78.77 %, compared
         has provided a semblance of stability  The company said initiatives like Rapid  with 76.34 %. The solvency as of
         to the market during periods of    Claim Settlement, under which valid  December 31, 2021, stood at 1.86 times.
         volatility. The indices have slid about  claims can be settled within the first 12  "The recent Economic Survey shows
         6.5 % since November.              hours of intimation, have helped   that the economy has been responsive
                                            provide timely relief to aggrieved
         "The life insurance industry has seen high                            with the gradual receding of COVID-
         double-digit growth with regular flows in  families.                  19, coupled with a robust vaccination
         the form of half-yearly or yearly renewal                             drive including children.
         premiums, a part of which has made its  Kotak Life launches           "Increasing interest about insurance
         way into the market," said Mihir Vora, Fortune Maximiser              among people towards securing life's
         director and chief investment officer at  Kotak Mahindra Life Insurance  certainties is also aiding growth," SUD
         Max Life Insurance.                announced the launch of a limited pay  Life Managing Director and CEO Abhay
                                            participating endowment plan, which  Tewari said.
         Shriram Life Insurance             can be tailored to the customer's
                                                                               In the nine months ended December
         settles claims worth more          requirement to help plan for a better  2021, assets under management
         than Rs 400 crore in 9                                                (AUM) grew to Rs 14,377 crore from
                                            Called Kotak Fortune Maximiser, it will  Rs 11,408 crore, registering a growth
         months                             help customers accumulate a corpus to  of 26 % on the year.
         Shriram Life Insurance has paid more  fulfil their larger goals without the  "We continued to deliver consistent
         than Rs 400 crore worth of claims  financial burden, the company said in  and robust retail EPI (estimated
         during the nine months of this fiscal.  a statement.                  premium income) growth of 60 % in
         The private insurer settled insurance  Customers will have three bonus  9MFY22, whereas the industry grew
         claims for 38,590 persons, (34,407  payout options, including an      20 %, with the private sector
         group and 4,183 individual) against  immediate or deferred cash bonus  witnessing a growth of 30 % while
         12,938 claims in the same period last  payout as well as paid-up additions,  maintaining a balanced and profitable
         year (11,009 group and 1,929       which are ideal for those with long-  product mix catering to customer
         individual claims). It settled Rs 408.42  term financial goals, including  needs," he said. T

                                                                           The Insurance Times, April 2022 15
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