Page 56 - Insurance Times November 2020
P. 56

Poll                 Do you think the bite size insurance covers will

                                                                       help to expand Indian Insurance Market

                                                    Yes               Results of Poll in our October 2020 Issue

                                                     No                Do you think technology will disrupt the
                                                                                 insurance industry
                                                 Can’t say

                                              You may send your views to :
                                              Poll Contest,  The Insurance Times                Yes         80
         Individual Health
         Health insurance where the policy is  25/1, Baranashi Ghosh Street, Kolkata - 700 007   No         20
                                              Phone : 2269 6035, 2218 4184, 4007 8428
         issued to an individual covering the  Email:        Can’t say         00
         individual and/or their dependents in the
         individual market. This includes
         conversions from group policies.                             Subscribe

         Individual Credit - Life
         Contracts sold in connection with loan/                           our
         credit transactions or other credit
         transactions, which do not exceed a                    YouTube Channel
         stated duration and/or amount and
         provide insurance protection against

         Industrial Life
         Industrial life insurance, also called                for latest updates
         "debit" insurance, is insurance under
         which premiums are paid monthly or
         more often, the face amount of the               Like our Facebook Page
         policy does not exceed a stated amount,
         and the words "industrial policy" are
         printed in prominent type on the face of
         the policy.

          56  The Insurance Times, November 2020
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