Page 17 - Banking Finance December 2022
P. 17




          E-filing must for consumer        Forum (DCDRF). At the state level, it  of the apex court that an all-women
                                            is  the  State  Consumer  Disputes  bench has been constituted.
                                            Redressal Commission and at the na-
                                                                               The two-judge bench is currently sit-
          The Central government will make e-  tional  level, it  is  the National  Con-
                                                                               ting  in Court  number 11  of the top
          filing of consumer complaints manda-  sumer Disputes Redressal Commission.
          tory from April 2023, said a senior offi-
                                            The  consumer  affairs  ministry  has  The first all-women bench was set up
          cial, adding that the move is also ex-
                                            taken several measures to strengthen
          pected to help in faster redressal of the                            in 2013 when a bench of Justices Gyan
                                            the infrastructure of consumer courts
                                                                               Sudha  Misra  and  Ranjana  Prakash
                                            in the country to facilitate easy filing
                                                                               Desai was constituted followed by a
          Currently, people can file complaints  and early disposal of cases.
                                                                               bench of Justices R. Banumathi and
          before  consumer  commissions  or
                                            Earlier  in  September  this  year,  the  Indira Banerjee in 2018.
          courts, both in physically  and online
                                            Delhi government announced that it is  There are three women judges in the
          mode. The electronic filing (e-filing)
                                            developing  a mobile app to  enable
                                                                               top court at present including Justice
          option for consumer complaints was
                                            people to give suggestions and regis-
                                                                               Kohli,  B.V.  Nagarathna,  and  Justice
          introduced on September 7, 2020.  ter their complaints regarding pack-
                                                                               Trivedi. Justice Nagarathna is also set
          According to senior consumer affairs  aged commodities.
                                                                               to become first woman Chief Justice in
          ministry official said, "Looking at the
                                            Delhi's  Food  and  Supplies minister  2027.
          success  of  e-filing, we  are going  to  Imran had  said the  people-friendly
          make it mandatory from April 1, 2023,  mobile  app being developed by the TDS liability of a tenant &
          for all consumer commissions in the  department will  help consumers  to
                                                                               penalty for rent default
          country."                         lodge their complaints and suggestions
                                                                               Tax related liabilities on rent are not
          The mandatory e-filing of  consumer  that will be addressed within 48 hours.
                                                                               limited to landlords. Income tax (I-T)
          complaints will also help people to reg-
                                            SC constitutes all-women           laws mandate tax deduction at source
          ister their issues directly without the
                                                                               (TDS) by tenants (applicable  to indi-
          help of a lawyer of his or their choice,  Bench                      viduals and Hindu undivided families, or
          according to the official.
                                            Chief Justice of India D.Y. Chandrachud  HUFs) and deposit it with the I-T de-
          He added that once the complaints are  has constituted an all-women bench  partment  under certain  conditions.
          in the form of e-filings, it will facilitate  comprising Justices Hima Kohli and Bela  The amount of TDS to be deducted and
          speedier disposal of the cases.   M. Trivedi to  hear transfer petitions  the conditions pertaining  to this are
                                            involving matrimonial disputes and bail  largely defined under two sections:
          There is a three-tier system to address
          consumer grievances. It starts with the                              Section 194I: It is applicable to indi-
          District Consumer Disputes Redressal  This is the third occasion in the history  viduals and HUFs whose turnover from
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