Page 51 - Insurance Times August 2020
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name for the group policy after adding the word Loss Prevention and Minimization in the
“group”, provided all terms and conditions as
applicable to the standard individual policy remain General Insurance Industry
the same except premium rate and specification on IRDA/NL/LPM/ExpDraft/137/2020-21
operation of group policy.
b. The insurers shall determine the price keeping in
view the cover proposed to be offered subject to 1. Keeping in view synergies involved and the need for
complying with the norms specified in the IRDAI collaboration between various stakeholders for effective
(Health Insurance) Regulations, 2016 and loss prevention and minimization in the general insurance
Guidelines notified there under. industry, the Authority had set up a Working Group to
c. The product shall be filed on Use and File basis by study the current scenario and make recommendations.
duly complying with the norms specified in Chapter 2. We now place the report of the Working Group and seek
IV of Guidelines on product filing in health insurance the valuable inputs of all stakeholders on the
business”(Ref: IRDA/HLT/REG/CIR/150/07/2016 recommendations made in the report. Please give your
dated 29th July, 2016) as modified from time to feedback in the attached format on or before 4th
time. September, 2020 to the following e-mail ids:
d. This group product shall comply with the all other
applicable norms stipulated under “Guidelines on
Product filing in Health Insurance business” (IRDA/
HLT/REG/CIR/150/07/2016 dated 29th July 2016).
Yegnapriya Bharath
3. These guidelines shall come in to force with immediate Chief General Manager (Non-life)
4. This has approval of the competent Authority. PUC certificate at the time of renewal of
Insurance of Vehicle – Directions given
D V S Ramesh,
General Manager (Health) by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in
WP(C) No.13029 of 1985 in the matter
Appointment of Election officer to of M.C. Mehta Vs. Union of India
conduct 12th Council Elections of Indian IRDAI/NL/CIR/MISC/215/08/2020
Institute of Insurance Surveyors and Loss Date:20-08-2020
Assessors (IIISLA)
1. This has reference to the Authority’s Circular No. IRDA/
IRDAI/SUR/ORDER/MISC/213/08/2020 NL/CIR/MISC/104/ 07/2018 dated 06th July, 2018
Date:14-08-2020 advising all general insurance companies to comply with
the direction issued by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India
Pursuant to the full Council election of IIISLA and declaration in Writ Petition (Civil) No.13029 of 1985 in M.C. Mehta
of results on 20th July,2019, a meeting of the Board of Vs. Union of India and Others.
Directors of IIISLA was held on 29th July,2019 at Hyderabad, 2. Central pollution control board (CPCB) has raised
where elected Council appointed office bearers. concerns regarding status of compliance of above
The Authority hereby appoints Shri.V.Devanathan, Head- direction of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in National
Technical & Projects, General Insurance Council as Election Capital Region of Delhi (Delhi – NCR).
Officer for conducting the 12th Council Elections for 1/3rd 3. Please ensure that the above direction of Hon’ble
vacancy arising out of retirement of Members on 28th Supreme Court of India is followed scrupulously with
July,2020, in compliance with Article 49 of AOA Of IIISLA. special focus on compliance in National Capital Region
This is issued with the approval of competent Authority. of Delhi (Delhi – NCR).
Please acknowledge and confirm having noted the contents.
Suresh Mathur
Executive Director (Yegnapriya Bharath)
Chief General Manager (Non – Life)
The Insurance Times, August 2020 51