Page 7 - Insurance Times August 2020
P. 7

“More than 15 lakh lives have already  premium income (GDPI).         having a health insurance policy during
         been covered under these two prod-  "Motor renewals suffered to some ex-  the times of COVID-19 has done really
         ucts within a month. That shows what  tent during the lockdown phase. How-  well for the standalone health insur-
         is the demand and it is important that                                ance sector. Standalone health insur-
                                            ever, with digital and telesales plat-
         we cater to this demand,” he said.  forms the company could garner good  ers, in August, saw their premiums
         The regulator was compelled to come  renewal numbers which were better  growing by 36.5 percent which com-
                                                                               pares to an average growth of 23 per-
         out with the standardised Covid-19 poli-  than the industry averages," Datta
                                                                               cent seen in the first four months of
         cies after seeing no such initiative from  said.
         the industry, Khuntia said, adding that  IRDAI in June asked all general insur-  FY21.
         some insurers felt these products were  ers to withdraw from August long-  ICICI Lombard General Insurance was
         competing with their own policies.                                    one company which out performed the
                                            term packages offering both third-
                                                                               industry growth. Premiums for the in-
                                            party liability (TP) and own-damage
         Motor insurance set to             (OD) motor insurance policies.     surer grew by almost 12 percent in
                                                                               August which compares to a drop of
         pick pace: ICICI Lombard           Sharing his views on this IRDAI man-  2.8 percent seen in the first four
         With slew of new car models being  date, Datta said, "Scrapping of long-  months of FY21. The insurer also
         launched and the festival season round  term package products (for private  gained market share by 27 bps in the
         the corner, the automobile sector is  cars and two-wheelers) were basically  period between April to August 2020.
         expected to pick up pace in the com-  done to reduce the insurance premium  New India Assurance remained an un-
         ing months and with that the motor  ticket size for the customer."    der-performer in August. The total
         insurance numbers would also go up.  With the scrapping of a package policy,  premium collection by the insurer in

         Sanjay Datta, Chief-Underwriting,  an awareness drive is also necessary to  August dropped by almost 5 percent on
         Claims and Reinsurance, told, "Sale of  keep the customers informed about  a year-on-year basis. This compares to
         New vehicles has picked up since late  the OD part of the cover which would  an average premium growth of 7.1
         June'20 and the July'20 numbers were  end from the second year of the policy  percent which it saw in first four
         encouraging. During the national   and the customer has to be mindful to  months of FY21. On the positive, New
         lockdown, the motor claim intimations  purchase the yearly OD cover sepa-  India Assurance also gained market
         were significantly down. Currently, the  rately, he added.            share by slightly over 100 bps in the
         intimation numbers are almost close to                                period between April to August 2020.
         the pre-lockdown levels."          General insurance pre-
                                                                               It was a disappointing month for Bajaj
         According to data released by the  mium grows 5.5% in Au-             Allianz General Insurance as the in-
         General Insurance Council, health in-  gust                           surer saw its premiums in August drop-
         surance overtook the motor insurance                                  ping by slightly over 9 percent which
         business for the first time to emerge  The general insurance sector has man-  compares to an average growth of
         as the largest portfolio in the general  aged to show a positive premium  about 13 percent in the first four
         insurance industry in the first two  growth in August, but the numbers are  months of FY21. Bajaj Allianz General
         months of this fiscal.             unlikely to bring any cheer to the in-  Insurance gained a total market share
         Share of motor insurance shrank to                                    of 64 bps between April to August
         26% during April-May as against 37%  For August, the general insurance sec-  2020.
         in the year-ago period. The lockdown-  tor collected a total premium of Rs  Out of the three PSU general insur-
         induced slide in car sales during this  13,140 crore, a growth of just 5.5 per-  ance companies, United India was the
         period has impacted fresh premium  cent when compared to same month   only company which showed a pre-
         inflows in the motor segment.      last year. The growth in the general  mium growth of 28 percent in August.
                                            insurance sector between April to Au-
         As for ICICI Lombard, the contribution  gust 2020 also hasn't moved anywhere  Premiums for both National Insurance
         of the motor line of business was                                     Company and Oriental Insurance
                                            as it remains almost flat.
         44.34% and 50.99%, respectively for                                   dropped by 5 percent and 15 percent
         FY19 and FY20 in terms of gross direct  On the contrary, the awareness around  respectively in August.
                                                                          The Insurance Times, August 2020   7
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