Page 8 - Risk Management Bulletin Jan- Mar 2022
P. 8


              BIGGEST RISK



                            hen someone talk about the biggest  Kodak’s missed opportunities in digital photography, a
             W              corporate world, the  very first name  technology that it invented. This strategic failure was
                            Risk  Management  failures  in
                                                              the direct cause of Kodak’s decades-long decline into
                            comes to any ordinary person’s mind
              is Kodak which collapsed after 124 years in operation,  bankruptcy as  digital  photography destroyed  its
                                                              filmbased business model. Corporate history is littered
              just because of their failure to foresee how quickly the
                                                              with many more such examples, companies  that
              world would embrace digital images and was never
                                                              adopted  the wrong strategy and paid the ultimate
              able to catch up with the competition even after
                                                              price for their risk management failures.
              eventually changing track.
                                                              BlackBerry is another good example;  it ignored the
              The problem is that, during its 10-year window of
                                                              threat of Apple’s iPhone when  it debuted in 2007
              opportunity, Kodak did little to prepare for the later
                                                              because it thought that iPhone is a substandard device
              disruption. In fact, Kodak made exactly the mistake
                                                              and moreover BlackBerry was overconfident of its two
              that  George Eastman,  its founder, avoided twice
                                                              million users. The rival product proved a hit with  the
              before,  when  he  gave  up  a  profitable dry-plate
                                                              public, however, and BlackBerry fell out of favor.
              business to move to film and when he invested in color
                                                              Blackberry could not replicate its earlier success and,
              film even though it was demonstrably inferior to black
                                                              in 2013, it was acquired by a group of investors and
              and white film (which Kodak dominated for years).
                                                              broken up.
              There are few corporate blunders as staggering as
                                                              HIH was Australia’s second largest and renowned
                                                              insurance  company  which went  into  provisional
                                 About the author
                                                              liquidation on 15th March 2001. This was the largest
                           S. G. Afzal Biya Bani              corporate collapse in Australia’s history, with  total
                           Senior Insurance Specialist        losses  up  to  $5.3  billion.  The  members  of  HIH
                           Resident Editor - The Insurance Times  management were charged as culprits, which led to
                           Saudi Arabia
                                                              their imprisonment.

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