Page 9 - BANKING FINANCE February 2024
P. 9


          The governor  called  for a financial  RBI defines 'politically ex-  economic and societal benefits, scep-
          creditor-led framework for the resolu-                               tics point to concerns such as increased
          tion of stressed assets. "Any amend-  posed persons' to comply       unemployment and challenges in re-
          ments  to  the IBC and its evolution  with FATF norms                source reallocation during the transi-
          thereof may continue to lay emphasis                                 tion.
                                            The Reserve Bank of India has updated
          on a financial creditor-led resolution
                                            Know Your Customer (KYC) norms for  Rao outlined specific concerns and ex-
          framework, in an overarching manner,"
                                            politically exposed persons (PEPs) who  pectations for financial institutions de-
          said Das. He added that introducing a  transact with regulated entities (REs),  ploying AI in their processes and deci-
          pre-packaged insolvency resolution pro-  seeking to comply with the recommen-  sion-making. These include biases, ro-
          cess (PPIRP) for corporate debtors could
                                            dations   of   intergovernmental   bustness  issues,  data  privacy,
          be a game changer given the challenges
                                            organisation  Financial  Action  Task  cybersecurity, consumer protection,
          in out-of-court settlements. The PPIRP
                                            Force (FATF),                      and maintaining financial stability. He
          envisages creditors agreeing on a reso-
          lution process beforehand and imple-  PEPs are individuals entrusted with  added that AI inherits biases and errors
          menting it through insolvency.    prominent public functions by a for-  from its training data, making regular
                                            eign country, including the heads of  fairness  audits  essential.  He  high-
          RBI proposes to introduce         states/governments, senior politicians,  lighted the challenge of AI models be-
                                            senior government or judicial or mili-  ing black boxes, making them difficult
          new  category  of  money          tary officers, senior executives of state-  to decode for audit and supervisory
          changers                          owned corporations and important   reviews.

          The Reserve Bank of India proposed  political party officials, said the RBI.
          draft norms aimed at rationalising the  This change is expected to provide  No  minimum  balance
          authorisation of money changers in  more clarity to undertake Customer charges on 'inoperative A/
          view of the widespread availability of  Due Diligence (CDD), said the RBI in a  cs': RBI
          banking services to the public and to  communication to REs.
          explore alternative models for facilitat-  REs have the option of establishing a  The RBI has said that banks cannot
          ing foreign exchange-related services.                               impose a penalty for not maintaining
                                            relationship with PEPs (whether as cus-
          The authorisation framework under  tomer or beneficial owner). REs have  minimum balance on accounts that are
          the Foreign Exchange Management   to perform the regular customer due  inoperative - those that have not re-
          Act (FEMA) was last reviewed in March  diligence and also follow additional  corded any transaction for over two
          2006.                             conditions prescribed by the RBI to  years. It also added that banks cannot
                                                                               classify accounts created for receiving
          "The  RBI  has  reviewed  the  extant  transact with PEPs.
                                                                               scholarship money or direct benefit
          authorisation framework under FEMA                                   transfers as inoperative even if they
          with an objective to further improve RBI draws up checklist for      have not been used for over two years.
          the ease with which foreign exchange  AI tech in banking
          transactions can be undertaken by us-                                The directive to banks are a part of
                                            RBI deputy governor Rajeshwar Rao  RBI's new circular on inoperative ac-
          ers, and at the same time, strengthen
                                            has raised concerns over issue relating
          the regulatory oversight/framework                                   counts - and part of its efforts to bring
          governing authorised persons (APs),"  to fairness, transparency and gover-  down the level of unclaimed bank de-
          the draft norms stated.           nance in the use of artificial intelli-  posits. The new rules come into effect
                                            gence in banking.                  from April 1.
          This is in view of the accelerated uni-
          versal reach of financial services due to  Speaking at the 106th annual confer-  "These instructions are expected to
          financial inclusion initiatives, increasing  ence of Indian Economic Association in  complement the ongoing efforts and
          integration of the Indian economy with  Delhi recently, Rao said that despite  initiatives taken by banks and RBI to
          the global economy, digitisation of pay-  the transformative potential of GenAI,  reduce the quantum of unclaimed de-
          ment systems, evolving institutional  there are potential impacts on produc-  posits in the banking system and return
          structure, etc., over the past two de-  tivity, jobs, and income distribution.  such deposits to their rightful owners/
          cades, the norms stated.          While proponents expect widespread  claimants," RBI said in its circular.

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