Page 16 - RMAI Bulletin July 2024
P. 16


             Understanding Emerging Economies                    management need to evaluate the likelihood of each

             Countries that are in the process of developing their  risk as well as the potential impact it could have. This
             economies and  transitioning from low-income  to    requires not only an in-depth knowledge of the com-
             middle-income status are examples of what are known  pany and the market, but also the capacity to analyse
             as emerging economies. These economies are distin-  complicated data and come to well-informed conclu-
             guished by brisk rates of economic expansion, rising  sions based on the findings of the analysis.
             levels of foreign investment, and rising levels of con-
             sumer demand. China, India, Brazil, and Mexico are all  3. Developing Risk Mitigation Strategies
             examples of economies that are currently in the pro-  After risks have been uncovered and evaluated,
             cess of developing.                                 those responsible for risk management are obli-
                                                                 gated to devise plans that will reduce the impact
             However, emerging economies are also characterised  of those threats. These strategies may include the
             by a number of challenges that can make it difficult for  implementation of new policies and procedures,
             businesses to operate. These challenges can make it  the investment in new technologies, or the devel-
             more difficult for businesses to operate in emerging  opment of contingency plans in order to address
             economies. Instability on the political front, corruption,  the possibility of disruptions.
             inadequate infrastructure, and lax regulatory frame-
             works are all examples of these challenges. Because 4. Monitoring and Reporting on Risks
             of the potential for these factors to raise the level of  Professionals in risk management have an obliga-
             risk that companies are exposed to, it is essential for  tion to the organisation to continuously monitor
             professionals working in risk management to develop  the threats it faces and report on those threats to
             strategies that are effective in managing risk.     senior management and any other relevant stake-
                                                                 holders. This requires a deep understanding of the
             The Importance of Professionals in                  business and the market, as well as the ability to
             Risk Management in Newly Industri-                  communicate complex information in a clear and
                                                                 concise manner.
             alized Countries
             Professionals in the field of risk management play an The obstacles that Risk Management

             essential part in assisting businesses in navigating the  Experts must overcome when work-
             difficulties associated with doing business in emerging
             economies. Professionals in the field of risk manage- ing in Emerging Economies
             ment in emerging economies are tasked with a number  Professionals in the field of risk management who
             of important responsibilities, including the following:  work in emerging economies face a variety of obstacles
             1. Identifying Risks                             that can make it difficult to manage risk in an efficient
                 Professionals in the field of risk management are  manner. The following are some of the most significant
                 tasked with the responsibility of identifying poten-  difficulties:
                 tial threats that may have an effect on the opera- 1. Political Instability
                 tions, financial performance, or reputation of an  Instability in political systems is a challenge that
                 organisation. This can be a particularly difficult  is faced by many emerging economies. Businesses
                 task in developing economies due to the dynamic  that are active in these markets may experience
                 nature of the business environment, which is both  significant repercussions as a result of shifts in the
                 complex and constantly shifting. Professionals in  policies of the government, social unrest, and
                 risk management are required to maintain a high  other political developments. Professionals in the
                 level of awareness regarding the most recent de-  field of risk management are required to remain
                 velopments in the market, which may include     current on the most recent political developments
                 shifts in regulations, political developments, and  and be ready to adjust their risk management
                 emerging trends.                                strategies in accordance with those changes.

             2. Assessing Risks                               2. Corruption
                 After risks have been identified, professionals in risk  Another obstacle that is prevalent in many devel-

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