Page 22 - RMAI Bulletin July 2024
P. 22





                                                                                                Yash Gupta

             Introduction                                     because in today's era where internet is cheap and
             Emerging risk is the new or unknown risk, which is dif-  long hours social media surfing by people generate
             ficult to predict and can disrupt whole business of the  huge data which is save in big data. While information
             organization if not provided solution within a time  is more valuable for the company and important tool
             frame. Egs, Cybersecurity risk, Pandemics, IT System  to provide better product and service.
             failure etc. Emerging risk have feature which are dif-
             ferent from normal business, like emerging risk are  Geopolotical Risk
             constantly kept on changing, hard to predict, difficult  The risk which is associated with the wars, terrorist
             to quantify the amount loss, etc. When businesses are  and all other important events which affect the func-
             given advance notice of risk occurrences and scenarios,  tioning of normal course of international relations. For
             they are better equipped to prepare, anticipate, and  eg Russia Ukraine war in the current scenario affect-
             respond to adverse impact and shock events. For any  ing whole world not only the two country. There are
             organization to get successful, planning ahead is very  various factors which affect the geopolitical risks mili-
             much important. Emerging hazards can appear sud-  tary power, political relation with the other countries,
             denly and change in a surprising way, or they can do  etc. The political consequence of the geopolitical risk
             both. It's possible that the new risk never materializes.  can be good or bad. On one hand risk can potentially
             Consequently, emerging risks may have an influence  lead to political and economic instability, which can
             on charity directly or indirectly. Emerging risks may  create huge problem for the country. On other hand,
             have a significant economic loss potential at a macro  it can bring innovation and sustainability in the coun-
             level for society.                               try. It is very difficult to predict the geopolitical risk
                                                              because it totally depend on how it is respond by the
             IT Risk                                          country people. There are no. of ways in which we can
             IT risk is one of the emerging risks in the economy  plan in the present to deal with the risk.

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