Page 33 - RMAI Bulletin July 2024
P. 33


                 their exposure to various risks. Hedging against  having difficulty selling many of the properties, an
                 investment risk means strategically using instru-  example of the liquidity risk that can be associated
                 ments-such as options contracts-to offset the  with real estate.
                 chance of any adverse price movements. In other
                 words, you hedge one investment by making an-  In November 2018, the hedge funds and Toys "R" Us'
                 other.                                       debt holders Solus Alternative Asset Management and
                                                              Angelo Gordon took control of the bankrupt company
             Real-World Example of Financial Risk             and talked about reviving the chain. In February 2019,

             Bloomberg and other financial commentators point to  The Associated Press reported that a new company
                                                              staffed with ex-Toys "R" Us execs, Tru Kids Brands,
             the June 2018 closure of retailer Toys "R" Us as proof  would relaunch the brand with new stores later in the
             of the immense financial risk associated with debt-  year. In late 2019, Tru Kids Brands opened two new
             heavy buyouts and capital structures, which inherently  stores-one in Paramus, New Jersey, and the other in
             heighten the risk for creditors and investors.
                                                              Houston, Texas. Most recently, Macy's has partnered
                                                              with WHP Global to bring back the Toys "R" Us brand.
             In September 2017, Toys "R'" Us announced it had  In 2022, Macy's plans to roll out approximately 400
             voluntarily filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. In a state-  physical toy store storefronts within existing Macy's
             ment  released  alongside  the  announcement,  the  locations.
             company's chair and CEO said the company was work-
             ing with debtholders and other creditors to restructure  How do you Identify Financial Risks?
             the $5 billion of long-term debt on its balance sheet.
                                                              Identifying financial risks involves considering the risk
             As reported in an article by CNN Money, much of this  factors a company faces. This entails reviewing corpo-
             financial risk reportedly stemmed from a 2005 US $6.6  rate balance sheets and statements of financial posi-
             billion leveraged buyout (LBO) of Toys "R" Us by mam-  tions, understanding weaknesses within the company's
             moth investment firms Bain Capital, KKR & Co., and  operating plan, and comparing metrics to other com-
             Vornado Realty Trust. The purchase, which took the  panies within the same industry. There are several sta-
             company private, left it with $5.3 billion in debt se-  tistical analysis techniques used to identify the risk
             cured by  its assets and it never really recovered,  areas of a company.
             saddled as it was by $400 million worth of interest
             payments annually.                               Conclusion
                                                              Financial risk can often be mitigated, although it may
             The Morgan-led syndicate commitment didn't work. In  be difficult or unnecessarily expensive for some to
             March 2018, after a disappointing holiday season, Toys  completely eliminate the risk. Financial risk can be
             "R" Us announced that it would be liquidating all of its  neutralized by holding the right amount of insurance,
             735 U.S. locations to offset the strain of dwindling rev-  diversifying your investments, holding sufficient funds
             enue and cash amid looming financial obligations.  for emergencies, and maintaining different income
             Reports at the time also noted that Toys "R" Us was  streams.

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