Page 4 - RMAI Bulletin July - September 2021
P. 4


                               Content                                        About us

                                                              Risk Management has assumed great significance in
             Risk Associated with Mining
                                                              the global economic scenario. More and more com-
             Sector and its Management
                                                              panies are recognising the need of implementing the
             Suraj Sujit Bera                             3
                                                              concept in their organisation.
             Risk Management Process/Loop on
                                                              Unless risk is monitored properly the very existence
             various risk issues (MFI Sector)
                                                              of business may be at stake. The technological ad-
             Aniket Kirtiwar                             16
                                                              vancement has revolutionised the ways of doing busi-
             Tropical Cyclone : A Challenge to                ness but at the same time has posed new challenges
             Insurance Industry - Gis                         to manage and contain risk.
             Technology A Solution
                                                              In western countries Risk Management is an important
             Shreenivas Kulkarni & Dr Shrikant Gabale    19
                                                              area which has attracted the attention of Bankers, In-
                                                              surers, Financial Institutions, Government, business
             Cyber Attacks have Increased Manifold:
                                                              houses,  in forecasting the imminent risk in undertak-
             Situation Turned Alarming
                                                              ing any project/work and taking suitable precautions to
             Jagendra Kumar                              23
                                                              avoid or minimize the adverse impact of risk.
             Tone at the top: Should Risk Management
                                                              However in India though the importance of Risk Man-
             Department be Directly Responsible to
                                                              agement has been recognized but no concrete step
             Board of Directors than CEO
                                                              has been taken to establish it as integral part of ac-
             Tirath Raj Mendiratta                       29
                                                              tivity so that risks may be perceived in advance and
             Role of Risk Management professionals in         suitable measures be taken to avoid it.
             emerging economies
                                                              In order to respond to the future challenges, Risk
             Parivesh Khandelwal                         34
                                                              Management Association of India  has taken the oner-
                                                              ous responsibility to create a platform for Risk Profes-
             RMAI Membership Benefits                    28
                                                              sionals, Insurers, Bankers, Corporates to exchange lat-
             Risk Management Integral to                      est news, articles, resources relating to risk manage-
             Higher Education                            40   ment, encourage research and development, provide
                                                              certification to members, provide courses on risk man-
             Glossary                                    42   agement, conduct webinars, Conferences etc.

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