Page 17 - Life Insurance Today March 2018
P. 17

acknowledge yourself, your moral will go up. And high  The best way to do this is to harness strength from past
         morale is essential to keep yourself going.          successes. Think first of what roadblocks you perceive in
                                                              front of you, which stand, in the way of your challenging
         Daring to be different: Daring to be different is another  path. Every individual has a great deal and more potential
         hallmark of selling success. Perhaps you will be an  than they ever imagine. The goal or vision you have in your
         inspiration, not only for yourself but also for others. There  mind must be exactly right for you because no one else
         are plenty of mediocre salespeople doing things in their  has that same vision. Don't let simple roadblock stop you.
         standard way. If you want to be successful you have to be
         determined, committed, positive, disciplined and different.  Don't's in selling
         A top sales executive hired a secretary after being in
                                                              Y   Don't Argue with a client
         insurance only for six months. No one else was willing to
                                                              Y   Don't Cut Your Client Short
         be so daring.
                                                              Y   Don't lecture while Making a Sales Pitch
         But he saw the potential of doing what he did best and
                                                              Y   Don't Put Yourself Down
         delegating everything else. Now he has four members on
                                                              Y   Don't Put Your Competitors Down
         his support staff and ten times the average income.
         Chances are that you are holding yourself back from  Y   Don't Allow Your Competitors to Put You Down
         something. It may be hiring a secretary or trying a new
         method no one else uses. It might be investing on    Secret of Success
         equipment or support staff, or doing presentations or
                                                              Y   Decide where you want to go
         demos a different way. Whatever it is, look again. Think
         again. Don't be afraid to be different.              Y   Keep your goal in view
                                                              Y   Look at carefully to see what you do not have but
         Overcoming roadblocks: Keeping the goals in sight and    need to reach your cherish goal. Among the things
         focus determinedly on ways around the roadblocks helps   that are considered for a successful insurance sales
         a lot. Most people see a number of roadblocks between    person are:
         themselves and their goal. In reality, roadblocks are  1. Good grooming/Dressing sense
         nothing more than challenges that help us grow. One
                                                              2. Positive attitude
         person's roadblock is nothing to another persons because
         they have already gained skills in that direction. So why  3. Ability to communicate effectively with a wide range
         not go in that direction to gain those skills as well?   of people
                                                              4. Persistence and perseverance
         Moving speedily towards your goal: It is very important
         to move speedily towards your goal. Have you heard this  5. Sound ethics
         important saying? Happiness is directly proportional to the  6. Organizational ability
         speed you are moving toward your goal. What can we do  7. Acclimatization ability
         everyday to make sure we are creating an upward spiral,
         moving closer to our goal? The answer is to have our goal  8. Ability to adapt to situations
         clearly defined, break it into action segments, and tackle  9. No matter what your area of work, one of the most
         the segments everyday without fail. When you develop     important things would be to collect as much
         that discipline, success will be in your hands. Without it  information as you can on the subject, and continue
         you are giving your power away.                          to learn as you go along
                                                              10. Self - development
         Follow the most challenging path which lie before you.
         Perhaps you have not seen them in this light before.  11. Better relationships
         Perhaps they would also bring you rich, new and exciting  12. Greater social skills
         opportunities. It is important not to turn our back on them.  13. Better physical health personality
         Having the courage to take the challenging path and
         overcome the roadblocks requires conviction that well, will  14. All-rounder personality
         succeed.                                             15. Faith, in yourself, it is said faith can move mountain. T

         Life Insurance Today                          March 2018                                             17
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