Page 42 - Life Insurance Today March 2018
P. 42
Glossary & Poll
Life Insurance Glossary Poll of the Month
Do you think new health care scheme would be
Mortality: a game changer
The frequency of deaths in proportion to a specific popula-
Mortality Rate: Yes No Can’t Say
The number of deaths in a group of people, usually ex- Results of Poll in our February 2018 Issue
pressed as deaths per thousand.
Do you think merger of 3 PSU companies will
Mortality Table: help in consolidation and expanding reach.
A table or chart listing the probabilities of death occurring
at various ages. This is often used by insurance companies
to establish rating and underwriting guidelines.
Yes- 100 % No- 00 % Can’t Say- 00 %
Multi-Year Premium Mode: You may send your views to :
A premium payment option where future annual premiums Poll Contest
are paid in advance at a discount. Life Insurance Today.
25, Baranashi Ghosh Street, Kolkata-7, India
Mutual Insurance Company: Tel : 2218-4184, Fax : 033-22736612 SMS : 9830171022
An insurance company which is owned by its policy owners.
Net earnings and savings of the company are distributed to Appearing in Licentiate Examination
the policy owners in the form of dividends. (As per New Syllabus)
Presenting for the first time in India a reliable and tested
Network Providers: coaching solution from the house of The Insurance Times, a
The doctors, clinics, hospitals, and other medical providers renowned name in the field of insurance education. After
that are in the network(s) of the health plan. closely studying the needs of students appearing for the
examinations of Insurance Institute of India our research
Non-Contributory: team has prepared this excellent set of guide materials. This
A group benefit plan typically through an employer, in which book will cover objective type questions and answers as per
the employer pays all of the premiums. current syllabus and shall include questions of last 10
previous terms (only objective questions)
Non-Tobacco/Non-Smoker: Subjects :
A rating class assigned to an insurance policy in which the Life Insurance General Insurance
insured has been classified as a non-user of tobacco and/or 01 Principles of Insurance 01 Principles of Insurance
nicotine products. 02 Practice of Life Assurance 11 Practice of General Insurance
14 Regulations on Insurance 14 Regulations on Insurance
Occupational Hazards:
Cost: `` `` ` 650 each book including delivery charges
Hazards associated with an insured's occupation that in-
crease the possibility of injury, illness or death. Such hazards Licentiate Exam Mock Test
may have an impact on the insurability of an applicant. Insurance Training Centre, wing of The Insurance Times is
pleased to announce the launch of online Mock Tests for
Orphan: Licentiate exams. Each course contains mock test for each
A policy owner who is not currently being serviced by the chapter followed by a final Mock Test covering all the
writing agent/broker. chapters. After completing this online you can assess your
level of preparedness and if required you can brush up
Paid-Up Insurance: again in order to score good marks. `` `` `300/- each paper.
An insurance policy that does not require future premium Combo Offer : 3 Books plus Online Mock Test for 3
payments to provide the death benefit of the insured per- papers worth `` `` `900/- total value `` `` `2850/- :
son. Pay only `` `` `1420/-
42 March 2018 Life Insurance Today