Page 14 - Banking Finance May 2023
P. 14


          Crude oil pumped out of the ground  ment of North Eastern Region G Kishan  Accounting  audit  trail
          and from below the seabed is refined  Reddy said in Lok Sabha.
                                                                               mandatory from April 1
          and converted into  fuels like petrol,
                                            Reddy also said the development of a
          diesel and aviation turbine fuel (ATF).                              Starting from 1st April 2023, the Min-
                                            new  greenfield  airport  at  Tezu  in
                                                                               istry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has
                                            Arunachal  Pradesh,  and  that  of
                                                                               made it mandatory for companies to
          Customer centricity essen-        Dibrugarh, Guwahati and Silchar air-
                                                                               maintain an audit trail for all their
          tial for fintechs                 ports  in  Assam,  Imphal  airport  in  transactions. The new  audit trail re-
                                            Manipur,  Barapani  airport  in
          Fintechs should keep customers at the                                quirement introduced by the MCA is
                                            Meghalaya and  Agartala  airport in
          centre of their innovation and follow                                ahead of its time and is also an essen-
                                            Tripura are ongoing.
          high standards of good governance as                                 tial step towards greater transparency
                                            In the northeastern region, 17 airports
          part of culture, RBI Deputy Governor                                 and accountability in business opera-
                                            have been made operational. Recently
          M K Jain said.                                                       tions. Maintaining a detailed record of
                                            Donyi Polo airport (erstwhile Holongi  all transactions would help all stake-
          He said for the sustainable develop-
                                            Airport)  has  been  inaugurated  in  holders identify the source of the finan-
          ment of the sector, it is essential that
                                            Arunachal Pradesh, he said in reply to  cial irregularities. Using these tools
          fintechs inculcate the values of ac-
                                            a question.                        auditors and investigative agencies will
          countability, fairness, transparency,
                                            Referring to the railway projects, the  ensure a more compliant financial re-
          and independence.
                                            minister said new projects  worth Rs  porting framework.
          "Regulation is merely a guardrail to
                                            19,855 crore have been sanctioned for  So, what exactly is an audit trail? An
          keep the sector on the right path. How-
                                            constructing railway tracks of 864.7 km  audit trail is a record of all the trans-
          ever, beyond its ability to innovate, the
                                            since 2014-15 till date.           actions in a company, including finan-
          development of this sector will largely
                                                                               cial transactions, operational activities,
          depend on two critical elements. These
                                            ED charge sheet against
          two elements are (i) Customer Centric-                               and administrative tasks. It includes
                                            Razorpay, fintechs, NBFCs          information about who initiated the
          ity and (ii) Governance," Jain said.
                                                                               transaction, when it was initiated, and
                                            The Enforcement Directorate said it
          He was addressing an event organised
                                                                               the nature of the transaction. This in-
                                            has filed a charge sheet against pay-
          by Indian Institute of Management
                                                                               formation is recorded  systematically
                                            ment gateway Razorpay, three fintech
          (IIM), Ahmedabad and Centre for Ad-
                                                                               and chronologically, making it easy to
                                            companies controlled by Chinese na-
          vanced Financial Research and Learn-
                                                                               trace the  history of any particular
                                            tionals and as many NBFCs and some
          ing (CAFRAL) in Ahmedabad.
                                            others in a money laundering probe
          When developing products and pro-
                                            linked to Chinese loan apps which al-
          cesses, fintech should design robust
                                            legedly cheated numerous people.   Govt extends deadline for
          customer centric products that avoid
                                            The federal probe agency said in a linking PAN with Aadhaar
          fintech-induced  losses  to customers
                                            statement that the special Prevention
          such  as  those  from  cybersecurity                                 till June 30
                                            of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) court
          breaches,  technical glitches, frauds,                               The government extended the dead-
                                            based in Bengaluru has taken note of
          etc. They should ensure customer suit-                               line for linking PAN card with Aadhaar
                                            the prosecution complaint.
          ability and appropriateness and make
                                                                               to June 30, 2023 from March 31, 2023.
          sure that any inherent biases in mod-  The accused entities include fintech
                                                                               The  Central  Board  of  Direct  Taxes
          els are addressed in a fair manner.  companies  Mad Elephant Network
                                                                               (CBDT) said that the date for linking
                                            Technology, Baryonyx Technology and
                                                                               PAN and Aadhaar has been extended
                                            Cloud Atlas Future Technology which
          17 airports made opera-                                              to provide some more time to the tax-
                                            are "controlled" by the Chinese na-
          tional in North East              tionals and three NBFCs registered  payers.
          As many as 17  airports  have been  with RBI named X10 Financial Services  Earlier, the last day to link PAN with
          made operational in the northeastern  Track Fin-ed and Jamnadas Morarjee  Aadhaar was March 31, 2023. Accord-
          region, Union Minister for Develop-  Finance.                        ing to the income tax department, fail-
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