Page 33 - Banking Finance May 2023
P. 33


                                                                               note of the preparations in respect of
                                                                               financial sector issues to be taken up
                                                                               during  India's  G-20  Presidency.
                                                                               Members resolved to remain vigilant
                                                                               and proactive to ensure that financial
                                                                               markets  and  financial  institutions
                                                                               remained resilient amidst destabilising
                                                                               global spill overs.

                                                                               Reserve     Bank     of    India
                                                                               (Unhedged  Foreign  Currency
                                                                               Exposure)  Directions,  2022:
                                                                               Entities which  do  not hedge  their
                                                                               foreign currency exposures can incur
                                                                               significant losses during a period of
                                                                               heightened  volatility  in  foreign
                                                                               exchange rates.  These losses  may
                                                                               reduce their capacity to service the
                                                                               loans taken from banks and increase
                                                                               their probability of default thereby
                                                                               affecting the health of the banking
                                                                               system. To address the risk emanating
                                                                               from banks' exposure to entities having
                                                                               Unhedged Foreign Currency Exposure
          regulatory issues relating to Gujarat International Finance
                                                              (UFCE), several guidelines / instructions were put in place
          Tec-City (GIFT) - IFSC, and the need for utilisation of the
                                                                            starting from October 1999. A review of
                                                                            these guidelines was  undertaken  and
                                                                            consolidated  as master directions  to all
                                                                            commercial banks (excluding payments
                                                                            banks and RRBs). Some of the key changes
                                                                            incorporated  in the  directions  are to
                                                                            provide clarity/ reduce compliance burden
                                                                            are as under:
                                                                            a) Exemption from UFCE guidelines: Banks'
                                                                            exposures  to  entities  arising  from
                                                                            derivative transactions were exempted,
                                                                            provided  such entities  have  no  other
                                                                            exposures to banks in India. This exemption
                                                                            has been expanded to include factoring
                                                                            b) Alternative method for exposure to
                                                                            smaller entities: To reduce the compliance
          services  of  registered  valuers  by  all  government  burden, the threshold for 'smaller entities' based on total
          departments. The Council noted that there is a need to  exposure from banking system has been revised to Rs.
          monitor financial sector risks and market developments on  50 crores (up from Rs.25 crore). For such entities, banks
          a continuous basis to ensure appropriate and timely action  will not be required  to periodically obtain hedging
          for strengthening financial stability. The Council also took  information.

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