Page 58 - Banking Finance May 2023
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extended in the form of GCC shall be as per the Framework for acceptance of Green
Board approved policies of the banks, within the
overall framework laid down by Reserve Bank.
Guidelines on collateral free lending for micro and
April 11, 2023
small units issued from time to time shall apply.
1. Climate change has been recognised as one of the most
vi) Bank shall adhere to the instructions on reporting
critical challenges faced by the global society and
GCC data as issued by RBI from time to time.
economy in the 21st century. The financial sector can
3. These instructions supersede the GCC guidelines issued
play a pivotal role in mobilizing resources and their
in December 2013 and come into effect as on the date
allocation thereof in green activities/projects. Green
of this circular. Debit cards, if any, already issued under
finance is also progressively gaining traction in India.
the circular of 2013 shall remain valid till their expiry/
2. Deposits constitute a major source for mobilizing of
repayment of the existing credit facilities, whichever is
earlier. funds by the Regulated Entities (REs). It is seen that
some REs are already offering green deposits for
financing green activities and projects. Taking this
Authorised Dealers Category-II - Online
forward and with a view to fostering and developing
submission of Form A2 green finance ecosystem in the country, it has been
decided to put in place the enclosed Framework for
April 12, 2023
acceptance of Green Deposits for the REs.
1. Attention of Authorised Dealer (AD) Category-I banks
3. The framework shall come into effect from June 1,
and AD Category-II entities is invited to paragraph 4 of
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 50 dated February 11, 2016
on ‘Compilation of R-Returns: Reporting under FETERS’
in terms of which AD banks, offering internet banking Lead Bank Scheme
facilities to their customers were permitted to allow
April 03, 2023
online submission of Form A2.
1. The Reserve Bank of India has issued a number of
2. It has now been decided to permit AD Category-II
guidelines/ instructions on Lead Bank Scheme from time
entities also to allow online submission of Form A2. AD
to time. This Master Circular consolidates the relevant
Category-II entities shall frame appropriate guidelines
guidelines/ instructions issued by Reserve Bank of India
with the approval of their Board within the ambit of
on Lead Bank Scheme up to March 31, 2023 as listed
extant statutory and regulatory framwework.
in the Appendix I.
3. The terms and conditions mentioned in aforesaid A.P.
2. This Master Circular has been placed on the RBI
(Dir Series) circular No. 50 dated February 11, 2016
shall continue to apply, as hitherto, to all Authroised
Dealers. The relevant provisions of FEMA 1999, and
Disbursement of Government Pension by
‘Master Direction – Know Your Customer (KYC)
Direction, 2016’ as updated from time to time, issued Agency Banks
by the Department of Regulation, RBI, have to be
April 03, 2023
complied with by the ADs, for all transactions.
4. Authorised Dealers may bring the contents of this 1. Please refer to our Master Circular RBI/2022-23/09
circular to the notice of their constituents. dated April 01, 2022 on the above subject. We have
revised and updated the Master Circular which
5. The directions contained in this circular have been
consolidates important instructions on the subject
issued under sections 10(4) and 11(1) of the Foreign
issued by the Reserve Bank of India till March 31, 2023.
Exchange Management Act, 1999 (42 of 1999) and are
without prejudice to permissions/approvals, if any, 2. A copy of the revised Master Circular is enclosed for
required under any other law. your information. This circular may also be downloaded
from our website