Page 5 - Insurance Times July 2016
P. 5

General Insurance


Telangana govt. orders to                 Selling of policies via e-commerce not accepted by all
recheck assessing agricul-
tural losses                              Recently, Insurance Regulatory and          critical factor in deciding on a policy.
                                          Development Authority of India (IRDAI)      "We will give our input to the IRDAI on
The Telangana government wants in-        had delivered guidelines on selling and     the issue," he said.
                                surance   servicing of non-life insurance policies
                                compa-    through e-commerce plat-                    Financial market intermediary Bajaj
                                nies to   forms but it was not every                                Capital, however, was en-
                                review    stakeholder's cup of tea.                                 thusiastic about the new
                                the man-                                                            guidelines. Anil Chopra,
                                          National Insurance Com-                                   Group CEO and Director,
ner in which they assess agricultural     pany CMD K Sanath Kumar                                   Bajaj Capital, said his com-
losses by putting the interests of the    said even though the new                                  pany was creating an online
farmer front and centre.                  guidelines bring in regulatory clarity, it
                                          has a condensed focus on prices and         platform and a mobile application at a
"If an industrialist makes losses for     not on services.                            cost of around Rs. 3 crore.
whatever reason, insurance firms
will assess losses at his unit. But       The new guidelines allow insurance in-      "The insurance module of the platform
when a farmer is faced with crop          termediates to provide aggregated ad-       and the app would be ready by Octo-
loss, the same firms take the village     visory services and insurance products      ber," he said.
as a unit for assessment. This must       through online platforms. Kumar said
be changed," says Telangana Agricul-      the servicing of insurance policies, par-   He said the guidelines have done away
ture Minister Pocharam Srinivas           ticularly settlements, should also be a     with any kind of physical intervention
Reddy.                                                                                for a transaction. "A one-time pass-
                                                                                      word makes it strictly digital."
"We passed a resolution in the As-
sembly asking the Centre to craft         Maharashtra, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh rapid in agri-
crop insurance policies that protect      schemes implementation
the interests of individual farmers,"
he added.                                 Expressing concern over slow implementation of farm
                                          schemes in some states, Agriculture Minister Radha Mohan
The Minister noted that there used        Singh said he would take up the matter with state govern-
to be long hours of power cuts in the     ments to speed up the work.
undivided Andhra Pradesh. "But the
TRS government in Telangana has           "All states do not show equal interest in agriculture. There are states which are
provided uninterrupted power to           slow in implementing the schemes. We will pursue with them and speed up the
farmers. In the next three years, the     work," Singh told reporters.
power situation will improve fur-
ther," he said.                           For instance, the Bihar government has not given land for establishment of a
                                          farm machinery training institute whereas Maharashtra, Gujarat and Uttar
                                          Pradesh have allotted the required land, he added.

                                          The minister said he received around 420 queries related to various schemes
                                          like soil health card and crop insurance during an hour-long social media inter-
                                          action being done on a monthly basis.

                                          The Insurance Times, July 2016 5
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