Page 38 - Life Insurance Today December 2017
P. 38

State-Run LIC may Partic-         LIC books Rs. 13, 500 crore trading profit in April-Sep-

          ipate In Bank Recapitali-         tember period
                                            Life Insurance Corp. of India (LIC), the  60% of all equity investments held by
          sation Programme                  country's largest institutional investor,  Indian life insurance companies. "Dur-

                                            has booked a trading profit of at least  ing the first half of the financial year
                                            Rs. 13,500 crore from the sale of eq-  2017-18 LIC saw a healthy rise in pre-
                                            uity holdings in the first half of the  mium collections. During the last quar-
                                            current financial year, as stocks scaled  ter, the new business premium collec-
                                            record highs. The figure marked a  tions grew by at least 26%. The mar-
                                            23.8% increase over the Rs. 10,900  ket has been rising, which enabled LIC
                                            crore in trading profit that LIC earned  to book more profits this time," said
                                            in April-September 2016 through in-  one of the two people cited above.
          State-owned Life Insurance Corpora-
                                            vestment redemptions,
          tion may be roped in to participate                                              The state-run insurer re-
                                            two people with direct
          in the Rs. 2.11 lakh crore recapitali-                                           corded a 24% year-on-
                                            knowledge of the
          sation initiatives for public sector                                             year rise in its first-year
                                            insurer's investment                           premium income to Rs.
          banks (PSBs). As part of the pro-  earnings said.                                68,224.29 crore during
          gramme, LIC could also increase its
                                            Since the start of the fi-                     April-September, ac-
          stake in various PSBs which are re-
                                            nancial year on 1 April,                       cording to Insurance
          quired to raise Rs. 58,000 crore from
                                            the BSE's benchmark Sensex index has  Regulatory and Development Author-
          the capital market, sources said.  gained around 13.5% as investors  ity of India (Irdai) data.Indian markets
          Besides, they said, LIC could partic-  shrugged off an unsettling transition to  have been mostly bullish during the
          ipate in a non operating holding  the goods and service tax (GST) and a  year so far. In fiscal 2017-18 so far, the
          company (NOHC) structure to which  delayed corporate earnings recovery,  Sensex gained in 96 trading sessions
          the government may transfer its   choosing instead to bet on India's long-  and fell in 66 sessions, giving LIC more
          share in various PSHs.            term growth potential.As households  opportunities to book profits from eq-
                                            shifted their savings into financial in-  uity investments.
          LIC in the past has pumped capital  struments from traditional avenues
          in PSBs through preference share  such as real estate and gold, domestic  "Most of the money made from profit-
                                                                               booking will be invested by LIC into
          allotment and Qualified Institutional  mutual funds and insurance companies
                                                                               the markets again. This will in turn im-
          Placement (QIP). Earlier this year,  pumped Rs. 61,559 crore into Indian
                                                                               prove prospects of better returns on
          Bank of India issued preference   stocks during April-September.     funds of policyholders in the long run.
          share to LIC worth Rs. 451 crore.  Data from stock exchanges showed  In total, this financial year, LIC has an
                                            that the value of LIC's holdings (in  investible surplus of around Rs. 4 tril-
          Similarly, UCO Bank, IDBI Bank,
                                            companies where it held at least a 1%  lion," added the first person. Apart
          United Bank of India, Dena Bank and
                                            stake) rose from Rs. 4.82 trillion in  from equities, the life insurer has in-
          Indian Overseas Bank also issued
                                            March to Rs. 5.02 trillion at the end of  vested at least Rs. 1 trillion in bonds
          preference shares to LIC in the past  September. That accounts for about  so far during the financial year.
          few years as part of their effort to
          shore up their capital.           LIC MF Interval Fund quarter interval plan to wind up
          Sources said that if there is LIC par-
          ticipation in the government                                       The Securities and Exchange Board of In-
          recapitalisation initiative, it would                              dia made it mandatory for all open
                                                                             ended debt oriented schemes to main-
          be as per the regulatory investment
                                                                             tain assets under management of mini-
          ceiling fixed by the Insurance and
                                                                             mum 20 crore rupees. The quarterly in-
          Regulatory Development Authority
                                                                             terval plan was wound up as it was not
          of India (IRDAI).
                                                                             able to maintain asset criteria.
          38                                         December 2017                            Life Insurance Today

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