Page 41 - Life Insurance Today OCTOBER 2017
P. 41

Insurance Regulatory

         and Development

         Authority of India NewsNews

                                            Publishing of Death Claims data / Death Claims paid
          Life Insurers asked to
                                            ratios in “Insurance Advertisements”
          maintain transparency in
                                            It has been observed that insurers are following different methods to arrive at
          publishing death claims           Death Claims paid data (i.e. Death Claims paid ratios), while publishing them in
          paid                              “Insurance Advertisements” [as defined in IRDA (Insurance Advertisements and
                                            Disclosure) Regulation, 2000]. In order to have uniformity across the industry,
          IRDA has directed the Life Insurers,
          via a circular to follow transparency  instructions are hereby given to the life insurers to use/publish only “Annual
                                            Figures” of Death Claims paid ratios, based on the number of policies alone.
          in projecting death claim settlement
          in advertisements. The circular men-  These figures shall reflect the entire financial year and shall be based upon:
          tions, "It has been observed that in-  Y  Latest IRDAI Annual Report (or)
          surers are following different meth-  Y  Latest Annual Audited final figures submitted to the Authority
          ods to arrive at death claims paid
                                            If an Insurance Advertisement contains Death Claims paid ratio, then the data
          data (death claims paid ratios),  for individual and group polices shall not be clubbed together. The Insurance
          while publishing them in insurance  Advertisements for group products shall reflect only group Death Claims paid
          advertisements.                   ratio and individual products shall reflect only individual Death Claims paid ra-
          In order to have uniformity across the  tio. In case of advertisements’ promoting the Company’s brand without refer-
          industry, the life insurers should use  ence to products, only individual death claims paid ratio be used.
          or publish only annual figures of death  The method of calculation for arrival of Death Claims paid ratios for a financial
          claims paid ratios, based on the num-  year shall be as followed for reporting in statements 6 & 7 of IRDAI Annual
          ber of policies alone." If an insurance  Report of 2015-16.
          advertisement contains death claims  Further, no other information related to death claim payments, other than what
          paid, then the data for individual and
                                            is specified above shall be used as part of any Insurance Advertisement/s. The pro-
          group polices shall not be clubbed to-
                                            visions of this circular come in to immediate effect.
          gether. The advertisements for group
          products should reflect only group  Chief General Manager (Life)
          death claims paid, while individual
          products should reflect only individual  Customer's consent mandatory for Aadhaar based e-KYC
          death claims paid.                IRDAI in a circular that the use of Aadhar and accessing of personal informa-
                                                               tion of Unique Identity Authority of India (UIDAI) for e-
          For advertisements promoting the
                                                               Know Your Customer (e-KYC) purposes can only be done
          company's brand without reference to                 only on the voluntary consent of customer.
          products, only individual death claims
                                                               "The information downloaded from UIDAI shall be con-
          paid should be used. According to
                                                               sidered as sufficient information for the purpose of KYC
          IRDAI's data, in 2015-16, life insurance
          companies had settled 8.54 lakh                      verification,'' the authority said. In case material differ-
          claims on individual policies with a  ence is observed either in the name or the photograph in Aadhaar is not clear,
          total payout of Rs. 12,636.66 crores.  the insurer should carry out additional due diligence and maintain a record of
                                            the additional documents sought.
         Life Insurance Today                         October 2017                                            41

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