Page 50 - Banking Finance November 2024
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finance, facilitated by financial expert Yogendra Joshi. the financial markets. Vijai Mantri and Karan Datta
The quiz encouraged participants to test their knowledge offered perspectives on how investors can safeguard their
of financial concepts, recent market developments, and portfolios against geopolitical risks and capitalize on
investment fundamentals in a lighthearted, engaging global trends. The discussion provided a nuanced
format. Following the quiz, attendees gathered for a understanding of adapting traditional strategies to meet
networking dinner, providing an opportunity to deepen the demands of a rapidly changing economic environment,
connections established throughout the day. The dinner highlighting the importance of agility and informed
allowed for informal discussions on the day's insights and decision-making in wealth management.
fostered a collaborative spirit, setting a positive tone for
4. One-Pointedness
the upcoming conference sessions.
Leadership coach Dr. Himanshu Buch captivated
Day 1: September 27, 2024 - Inauguration attendees with an engaging session on the practical
and Sessions on Wealth Management and application of "One-Pointedness." Using humor and
Technology storytelling, Buch illustrated how maintaining focus amid
distractions can enhance strategic alignment and decision-
1. Inaugural Session: Setting the Strategic Tone making. He shared tools and techniques to cultivate a
for the Future focused mindset, emphasizing how successful leaders
Kanak Jain, Founder of SSL Academy, opened the consistently align their actions with their goals. The
conference with a keynote on the critical need for "one- audience left with a deeper understanding of how strategic
pointedness" amid financial volatility. This concept focus and mental discipline drive results in both personal
underscored the importance of focus and strategic and professional contexts.
alignment in financial management, setting the stage for
5. Navigating the New Era of Mutual Fund
the day's discussions. Jain emphasized that today's
mutual fund distributors must adapt to technology and Distribution
emerging investor expectations, leveraging digital tools This panel discussion, featuring Bharat Shah from ASK
to enhance client relationships and streamline portfolio Group, Navneet Munot from HDFC AMC, Mahesh Patil
management. from ABSL AMC, and Vishal Kapoor from Bandhan
AMC, explored the transformation of mutual fund
2. Extraordinary Growth: Leveraging
distribution to meet evolving investor needs. Panelists
Technology in Mutual Fund Distribution
discussed how digital tools and data analytics are
A panel featuring Vinod Dugar, CK Kumaravel, Akshay
reshaping distribution strategies, making it easier to
Gupta, Dhirendra Kumar, and Dr. Tanu Jain shared
reach and serve a broader client base. They also
strategies for achieving significant growth despite market
addressed the challenges of adapting to regulatory
challenges. This session highlighted the integral role of
changes and market dynamics, encouraging distributors
digitalization in modern wealth management. Industry
to leverage technology and data for more personalized
leaders like Vinod Dugar, Chairman of RDB Group, and
CK Narayan, a renowned market analyst, led discussions client experiences.
on how mutual fund distributors could enhance client 6. Learning from Failures with Devdutt
communication using real-time data analytics and digital Pattanaik
platforms. Panelists discussed how technology allows
In an inspiring session, mythologist and author Devdutt
distributors to personalize strategies according to each Pattanaik discussed the lessons that failures bring,
investor's financial goals, risk appetite, and investment
drawing from mythology and history. Through captivating
horizon, ensuring alignment with market movements and
narratives, Pattanaik illustrated how setbacks can serve
long-term financial growth.
as catalysts for growth and learning. His stories
3. Moderated by Kanak Jain and Ramesh Bhat, this highlighted the importance of resilience, adaptability, and
session delved into foundational investment principles, self-reflection, encouraging attendees to view failures as
examining how geopolitical and economic forces shape valuable learning opportunities. This session resonated