Page 105 - IC46 addendum
P. 105

The Insurance Times

                    c. Contractual rights or contractual obligations
                          that are contingent on the future use of, or
                          right to use, a non-financial item.

                    d. Financial guarantee contracts unless the
                          issuer has previously asserted explicitly that
                          it regards such contracts as insurance

                    e. All above

                    6. An entity shall not apply Ind AS 104 to -
                    a. Contingent consideration payable or

                          receivable in a business combination.
                    b. Direct insurance contracts that the entity

                    c. A cedant shall apply this Standard to

                          reinsurance contracts that it holds.
                    d. All are correct.
                    e. None are incorrect.

                    7. Find the incorrect statement ?
                    a. Ind AS 39 requires an entity to separate some

                          embedded derivatives from their host
                    b. Measure them at fair value.
                    c. Include changes in their fair value in profit or

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