Page 111 - IC46 addendum
P. 111

The Insurance Times

                    16. Ind AS 104 exempts an insurer from
                          applying criteria as mentioned in Ind AS
                          8, Accounting Policies, Changes in
                          Accounting Estimates and Errors, to its
                          accounting policies for:

                    a. Insurance contracts that it issues.
                    b. Reinsurance contracts that it holds.
                    c. Reinsurance contracts that it issues.
                    d. a and b are correct.
                    e. a and c are correct.

                    17. Acedant receives compensation from
                          losses from an reinsurer, but the contract
                          obliges the cedant to repay the
                          compensation in future years . The
                          obligation arises from a deposit
                          component if the cedant`s -

                    a. Accounting policies would otherwise permit it
                          to recognise the compensation.

                    b. As income without recognising the resulting
                          obligation , unbundling is required.

                    c. Only a.
                    d. Only b.
                    e. Neither a nor b.

                    18. An insurer shall assess at the end of
                          each reporting period whether its

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