Page 223 - IC46 addendum
P. 223
S. No. Provisions of Companies Act, Corresponding provisions of Corresponding provisions of
2013 as notified Companies Act, 1956 Companies Act, 1956
83. (98+1+183= 282 Sections) continue to remain in force
84. Section 87 141 Nil
150,151,152,152A,153, 153A, Nil
Section 88 153B, 157, 158
187C Nil
85. Section 89 187D Nil
86. Section 90 154 Nil
87. Section 91 159,160,161,162,Sch V Nil
88. Section 92 Nil Nil
89. Section 93 163 Nil
90. Section 94 164 Nil
91. Section 95 165,166, 170 Nil
92. Section 96 169 (9) Nil
93. Section 100 171,172 Nil
94. Section 101 173 Nil
95. Section 102 174 Nil
96. Section 103 175 Nil
97. Section 104 176, Schedule IX Nil
98. Section 105 181,182,183 Nil
99. Section 106 177, 178 Nil
100. Section 107 Nil Nil
101. Section 108 179,180,184,185 Nil
102. Section 109 192A Nil
103. Section 110 188
104. Section 111 187A, 187B Nil
105. Section 112 187 Nil
106. Section 113 189 Nil
107. Section 114 190 Nil
108. Section 115 191 Nil
109. Section 116 192 Nil
110. Section 117 193,194,195,197 Nil
111. Section 118 196 Nil
112. Section 119 (except sub- Nil
section (4)) Nil Nil
113. Section 120 Nil
114. Section 121 Nil Nil
115. Section 122
116. Section 123 Nil Nil
Section 205
Sub-section (3) of section
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