Page 97 - IC46 addendum
P. 97

The Insurance Times

12. Which of the following form part of the

Annual Report of a general insurance


1) financial statement

2) board's report

3) auditor's report

a) pt. 1& 2          b) pt. 1 & 3

c) pt. 2& 3          d) pt. 1, 2 & 3

13. The Corporate Governance Report of the

Company is guided by Clause 49 of the


a) Theusaurus        b) Listing Agreement

c) Debt Agreement d) All of the above

14. Resolution as to be mentioned in the

notice shall be of ____ nature

a) Ordinary          b) Special

c) Both              d) None

15. Details of how many AGMs need to be

mentioned in the Annual Report.

a) One               b) Two

c) Three             d) Four

16. Information like Solvency Margin, Email: 96

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