Page 49 - Banking Finance June 2017
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             RBI CIRCULAR

         Systems and Controls for Conduct of Setting up of IFSC Banking Units (IBUs) -
         Government Banking                                   Permissible activities

         RBI/2016-17/271                                      RBI/2016-17/273
         DGBA.GAD.No.2646/31.02.007/2016-17                   DBR.IBD.BC.59/23.13.004/2016-17

         1. Please refer to our Master Circulars DGBA.GAD.No.2/  1. Please refer to RBI circular DBR.IBD.BC.14570/
             31.12.010/2015-16 dated July 1, 2015 on Conduct of  23.13.004/2014-15 dated April 01, 2015, as modified
             Government Business by Agency Banks - Payment of    from time to time, setting out RBI directions relating
             Agency Commission and DGBA.GAD.No.H-1/31.05.001/
                                                                 to IFSC Banking Units (IBUs). We have received a few
             2015-16 dated July 1, 2015 on Disbursement of
                                                                 suggestions and queries from the stakeholders regard-
             Government Pension by Agency Banks that, inter alia,
                                                                 ing operations of the IBUs and financial institutions in
             deal with Systems and Controls in agency banks for
             conduct of government banking.                      IFSCs. These issues have been examined and the direc-
                                                                 tions stand further modified as follows:
         2. In addition to existing instructions, agency banks may
             ensure that internal/concurrent audit at bank branches  2. The existing paragraph No.2.6 (vii) of Annex I and II of
             verifies whether government business is being       the aforesaid circular dated April 1, 2015 is amended
             conducted as per rules and regulations prescribed by  to read as follows:
             government/RBI. Accordingly, the internal/concurrent
             audit at bank branches may also examine, among other  "With the prior approval of their board of directors,
             things, various aspects of government banking such as  IBUs may undertake derivative transactions including
             agency commission claims and pension payments. A    structured products that the banks operating in India
             checklist may be provided to the inspecting officers/  have been allowed to undertake as per the extant RBI
             auditors, which may at a minimum include the items  directions. However, IBUs shall obtain RBI's prior ap-
             given in the Annex. Accordingly, Annex 2 of the Master  proval for offering any other derivative products. Be-
             Circular DGBA. GAD.No.H-1/31.05.001/2015-16 on      fore seeking RBI's approval, banks shall ensure that
             Disbursement of Government Pension by Agency Banks  their IBUs have necessary expertise to price, value and
             dated July 1, 2015 stands withdrawn.                compute the capital charge and manage the risks as-
                                                                 sociated with the products / transactions intended to
         Yours faithfully,                                       be offered and should also obtain their Board's approval
         (D. J. Babu)                                            for undertaking such transactions."
         Deputy General Manager
                                                              3. A new paragraph No.2.6 (x) is added to the Annex I

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