Page 49 - Insurance Times March 2022
P. 49


         Arbitration award can be set aside only              The high court allowed the said appeal by entering into the
                                                              merits of the claim and has quashed and set aside the
         if it is against prevailing laws, says SC            award passed by the arbitrator as well as the order passed
         An arbitration award can be set aside only if the award is  by Additional District Judge, Chandigarh.
         against the public policy of India, the Supreme Court has  The apex court said the high court has exercised the juris-
                                                              diction not vested in it under Section 37 of the Arbitration
         A bench of Justices M R Shah and B V Nagarathna said the  Act.
         award can be set aside under the Arbitration Act, if it is
                                                              "In view of the above and for the reasons stated above,
         found to be contrary to the fundamental policy of Indian  the present appeal succeeds. The impugned judgment and
         Law, interest of country, justice or morality or if it is pa-  order passed by the High Court is hereby quashed and set
         tently illegal.
                                                              aside. The award passed by the arbitrator and the order
         The top court was hearing an appeal filed by Haryana Tour-  passed by the Additional District Judge under Section 34 of
         ism Ltd against an order of the Punjab and Haryana High  the Arbitration Act overruling the objections are hereby
         Court which set aside a 2005 award passed by the arbitra-  restored," the bench said in January 11 order.
         tor as well as the order passed by the Additional District
         Judge, Chandigarh.                                   Insurer can't change policy terms unilat-
         Haryana Tourism Limited (HTL) had invited tenders/quota-  erally
         tions for the supply of  Aerated Cold Drinks at its Tourist
         Complexes and the tender submitted by Kandhari Bever-  Roxy Color Lab had taken two standard fire and special in-
                                                              surance policies from National Insurance to cover its digi-
         ages was accepted.
                                                              tal colour laboratory, including plant and machinery, office
         HTL later terminated the contract after dispute arose be-  equipment, raw materials, and goods held in trust and
         tween the parties and the matter was referred to the sole  trade. The tenures of the two policies overlapped: one was
         arbitrator.                                          from July 8, 2008 to July 7, 2009, and the other from Janu-
         The arbitrator directed Kandhari Beverages to pay Rs 9.5  ary 6, 2009 to January 5, 2010. The total risk covered un-
         lakh while the counter claim lodged by it claiming Rs 13.92  der the two policies was Rs 96 lakh.
         lakh was dismissed by the arbitrator.                The two policies were issued by two separate offices of the
         Kandhari Beverages thereafter filed objection petition Ad-  same insurer. Later, they were shifted to the same divisional
         ditional District Judge, Chandigarh under Section 34 of the  office, but without taking a fresh proposal. Moreover, while
         Arbitration Act against the award passed by the arbitra-  shifting the policy, the insurer unilaterally changed the terms
         tor.                                                 of loss assessment from the earlier "reinstatement basis"
         The Additional District Judge dismissed the appeal/objec-  to "market value basis", without the insured's knowledge
                                                              or approval.
         tion petition after which it filed further appeal before the
         high court under Section 37 of the Arbitration Act.  A major fire broke out on April 9, 2009. The insurer ap-
                                                              pointed Cunningham Lindsey to assess the loss. The insured
                                                                          The Insurance Times, March 2022 49
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