Page 51 - Insurance Times June 2023
P. 51

contractor as well as the principal (contract awarding  new  debt  fund  to  build  long-term
          SBI General informed that the product is designed to
                                                              ICICI Prudential Life Insurance launched a  debt fund on
          provide protection against breach of terms and conditions
                                                              Monday which will enable  customers to lock-in their
          by the contractors either during the bidding stage or during
                                                              investments at current high interest rates, build long-term
          the performance stage of a project.
                                                              wealth and achieve financial goals.
          The product is designed to provide protection against
                                                              The prevailing interest rate regime provides customers with
          breach of terms and conditions by the contractors either
                                                              an excellent opportunity to invest in the debt fund - ICICI
          during the bidding stage or during the performance stage
                                                              Peru Constant Maturity Fund - the first such fund in the life
          of a project, SBI General said in a statement.
                                                              insurance market. With interest rates closer to their peak,
          The Surety insurance product consists of a wide range of  any fall in interest rates makes debt instruments attractive
          bonds,  such  as  bid  bonds,  advance  payment  bond,  as an investment option for customers. This is due to the
          performance bond, and retention money bond, it said.  inverse relationship between prices of debt instruments and
                                                              interest rates - their prices increase when interest rates fall,
          The product caters to the requirements of a diversified
                                                              thus benefitting customers who have invested in  these
          group of contractors, many of whom are operating in
          today's increasingly volatile environment, he said while
          launching the product.                              This fund is available for investments with the company's
                                                              flagship Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIP). ULIPs provide
          Additionally,  the statement said, there are two variants
                                                              customers with a unique proposition of life cover, financial
          available in the product i.e. conditional and unconditional.
                                                              security to the family and facilitate building wealth over the
          In a conditional bond, a specified  sum is paid to the  long-term. ICICI Pru Constant Maturity Fund is available
          beneficiary upon claim when specific conditions are met,
                                                              with Unit Linked Products from May 15, 2023.
          while an unconditional bond allows the beneficiary to claim
                                                              Investments  in ULIPs  provide tax  benefits.  If annual
          the money almost without any conditions.
                                                              investments made are up to Rs 2.5 lakh and with a life cover
                                                              of 10 times the annual premium, maturity proceeds are tax-
          ICICI Prudential Life Insurance launches
                                                              free for customers.

                                                Enroll Today!!



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