Page 11 - Banking Finance June 2024
P. 11


          that to facilitate unauthorised forex  the cheque was handed over to the  SFBs should be worth Rs.
          trading, these entities have taken re-  customer several days later, the RBI
          course to engaging local agents who  said.                           1,000  crore  to  become
          open  accounts  at  different  bank  In the case of disbursal or repayment  universal banks, says RBI
          branches for collecting money towards  of  loans  during  the  course  of  the  The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has
          margin, investment, charges, etc," it  month, some banks were charging in-  said small finance banks (SFBS) should
          said, asking banks to report such ille-
                                            terest for the entire month, rather  have a minimum net worth of Rs 1,000
          gal trading activities to the Enforce-  than charging interest only for the  crore to become universal banks in
          ment Directorate (ED).
                                            period for which the loan was out-  accordance with the on-tap licensing
          "These accounts are opened in the  standing. It was also observed that  norms.
          name of individuals, proprietary con-  banks were collecting one or more  According to the central bank, SFBS
          cerns, trading firms etc. and the trans-  instalments in advance but reckoning  aspiring to become a universal bank
          actions in such accounts are not found  the  full loan  amount  for  charging  need to have scheduled status with a
          to be commensurate with the stated  interest.                        satisfactory track record of perfor-
          purpose for opening the account in                                   mance for a minimum period of five
          several cases," the circular said. The  Industry's share in bank     years. Also, the shares of the bank
          RBI had issued warning against illegal                               should  have  been  listed  on  a
          forex trading several times in the past.  credit shrinks to 23%: RBI  recognised stock exchange, the RBI
                                            Bank loans to the services and agricul-  said in a circular.
          Charging of interest rates:       ture sectors were the main drivers of  Further, these SFBS also need to have
                                            the 20% credit growth in FY24, with
          RBI detects overcharging          both sectors growing at over 20%, ac-  a net profit in the last two financial
                                                                               years besides having gross non-per-
          by banks, asks them to re-        cording to data released by RBI. While  forming assets (GNPA) and net non-
                                            the pace of credit growth to large in-
          fund borrowers                    dustries more than doubled in FY24  performing assets (NNPA) of less than
                                                                               or equal to three per cent and one per
          The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has  (7%) from the year before (3.1%), it  cent, respectively in the last two finan-
          come across instances of lenders re-  remained sluggish, resulting in a fur-  cial years, the RBI said.
          sorting to certain unfair practices in  ther decline in market share.
                                                                               On April 12, the RBI rejected applica-
          charging of excess interest from bor-  As of March 22, 2024, the share of in-
          rowers. The RBI, through its supervi-  dustry in bank credit shrunk to 23.1%  tions received from Dvara Kshetriya
          sory teams, has advised banks to re-  from 24.8% in March 2023 and 27.1%  Gramin Financial Services Pvt Ltd and
                                                                               Tally Solutions Pvt Ltd to start SFBS in
          fund such excess interest and other  in March 2022.                  the private sector. The two entities
          charges to customers.
                                            The share of the services sector has  had applied to the RBI for setting up a
          During the course of the onsite exami-  increased marginally to 28.3%. Per-  SFB in 2021 under the guidelines for
          nation of banks and Non-Banking Fi-  sonal loans now account for 31% of  on-tap licensing.
          nancial Corporations (NBFCs) for the  bank credit, up from 30.6% in March  The RBI circular said there is no man-
          period ending March 31, 2023, the RBI  2023 and 29% in March 2022.   datory requirement for an eligible SFB
          found that banks were charging of in-
                                            Banks added Rs 27.6 lakh crore to non-  to have an identified promoter. How-
          terest from the date of sanction of  food credit in FY24, expanding their  ever, the existing promoters of the eli-
          loan or date of execution of loan agree-  book by 20% to Rs 164.1 lakh crore.  gible SFB, if any, should continue as the
          ment, and not from the date of actual
                                            The exceptional growth was due to the  promoters on transition to a universal
          disbursement of the funds to the cus-  merger  of  HDFC  with  HDFC  Bank,  bank. "Addition of new promoters or
                                            which added Rs 5.3 lakh crore to bank  change in promoters will not be per-
          Similarly, in the case of loans being dis-  loans or nearly 400 basis points to  mitted  for  an  eligible  SFB  while
          bursed by cheque, instances were ob-  credit growth. Without the merger,  transitioning to the universal bank," it
          served where interest was charged  the credit growth would have been  said. There should be no new manda-
          from the date of the cheque whereas  16.3%.                          tory lock-in requirement of minimum

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