Page 58 - Banking Finance June 2024
P. 58


         legal document outlining the specifics of streedhan and its  law has provisions for protecting her interests. "If a woman
         management," says Razvi.                             entrusts dominion over her streedhan property to her
                                                              husband, or to any family member, and it is not returned to
         Rai advises women to stay informed about their legal rights  her, the woman can make out an offence for 'Punishment
         and seek legal advice if required.                   for Criminal Breach of Trust' under Section 406 of the Indian
                                                              Penal Code, 1860. This can result in imprisonment of up to
         Families, too, need to be vigilant                   three years, a fine, or both," says Akhilesh Wahal, partner
         The husband's family also needs to take a few steps to  at Syal & Co.
         safeguard its interests. When gifting jewellery to a woman,
         provide the bills and receipts, including descriptions and  What happens in court?
         weights of items purchased. "This ensures clarity of intention
         for both the husband and the family, which the woman may  In case of disagreement, a husband might have to prove that
         also appreciate," says Pratibha Bangera, a lawyer at the  the wife is falsely claiming property as streedhan. "Typically,
         Bombay High Court.                                   the responsibility of proving ownership of the streedhan
                                                              usually lies with the woman asserting her claim," says
         The boy's family must take such precautions because there  Bangera.
         have been instances of harassment through false claims
         about streedhan. "Fake jewellery lists are being used to  In other religions, too, similar provisions exist for protecting
         harass and extort from husbands by threatening to file a  women's assets or gifts received at the time of marriage.
         criminal complaint," says Bangera.                   "In Islamic law, there are provisions for mehr (dower) given
                                                              by the husband to the wife at the time of marriage, which
         Legal recourse for women                             serves as her financial security," says Razvi.  (Business
         If a husband or his family usurps a woman's streedhan, the  Standard)

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         Tribunal, which deals exclusively with environmental  of enforcing a right to be free from the adverse effects of
         matters, is the main forum for such cases but petitions  climate change. Court interventions can be useful in matters
         routinely land in High Courts and the Supreme Court as well.  relating to air or water pollution, or forest or wildlife
         However, petitions referring to, or seeking recourse from,  conservation. But climate change is a very different beast.
         the broader problem of climate change, are rare. The  It is a multi-dimensional problem that cannot be tackled
         supreme court' s order on climate change is almost certain  through  any  single  or  a  small  set  of  interventions.
         to change that.                                      Minimising the impacts of climate change is beyond the
         "What the recent Supreme Court decision has done is to  capability  of  any  single  local,  regional  or  national
         reinforce the critical nature of climate change, and that  government.
         would potentially pave the way for a new jurisprudence  Shibani Ghosh, a Supreme Court advocate and visiting fellow
         where people, socio-economic development, nature and  at Sustainable Futures Collaborative (an independent
         climate are equally prioritised," Bharat Jairaj, who leads  research organisation), said that for these reasons, the
         India's Energy program at the World Resources Institute,  courts might not be as activist on climate change as they
         said.                                                are on some other environmental issues, and use a "hands-
         However, the effectiveness of court rulings on climate  off approach" in climate cases in the future. (The Indian
         change remains a big question mark, particularly in the case  Express)

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