Page 21 - Insurance Times December 2018
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positions or benefits which they rightfully hold and have a tendency to be averse to business
are not getting them. propositions that are prone to greater risk.
81 interviewees believe that in order to maintain According to 72 interviewees, women get involved
peace and harmony at work, it is important to in low risk businesses as it ensures stability.
Knowledge of liabilities: Women leaders are aware
Balance between personal and professional life: of the liabilities that come as a part with their
Ability to achieve work life balance. position that they hold in the organization
According to 84 interviewees, a balance between 76 interviewees had very less knowledge of
personal and professional life should always be liabilities with respect to their position or
maintained as it improves the efficiency at work designation.
and enjoy life at the same time.
Reducing Attrition Rate: Any effort or special steps
taken by them as leaders to reduce attrition?
According to 77 interviewees, they have taken
certain steps to reduce attrition rate. They try to
become more flexible at meeting their targets by
opting for in-house working schedules.
3. Risk Analysis: Various questions were asked as to how
they access their risks and the steps taken to mitigate
the risks at work:
SWOT Analysis: Identifying the strengths and
weaknesses of the organisation through SWOT
analysis or other similar techniques.
79 interviewees had no idea about their risks and
4. Risk mitigation through insurance: The interviewees
had never undertaken SWOT analysis of their risks.
were asked about insurance and its role in risk
Awarness about insurance Awarness about insurance in respect to
Awarness about liability insurance business
Awarness reputational risk Awarness about Cyber Insurance
Insurance Awareness: Awareness about the
various insurance solutions available in the market.
84 interviewees were aware of insurance and
Risk Engineering and Risk Management: major lines of insurance business- life insurance,
Compliance with various risk mitigation techniques
health insurance and property insurance in
in-order to reduce the risk adversities that might
be faced by an organisation.
Insurance awareness related to business:
82 interviewees had never taken services related to Awareness about the various insurance solutions
risk engineering or risk management. that protect the interest of an enterprise against
Women’s interest in high risk business: Women the risks faced.
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