Page 360 - Misc Ebook IC 78
P. 360
The Insurance Times
Q8. A financial loss may be caused to a person
going abroad on tour not only in the case of
serious accident or illness, but in some other
cases also. Which could be these cases or
situations? Give a somewhat detailed reply.
Ans. There can be situations like Loss of Checked Baggage,
Delay in checked baggage, Loss of passport and
Personal Liability.
(i) Loss of checked baggage - This insurance pay up to
the limit of cover shown in the Schedule in the event of
the insured suffering a total loss of Baggage that has
been checked by an International Airline for an
International flight. The insurers reserve the right to
replace or pay for the intrinsic value of the lost article.
Specific Conditions:
(a) The amount payable in respect of any article, pair
or set is limited to the amount stated in the Schedule.
(b) A Property Irregularity Report (PIR) must be
obtained from the airline immediately upon
discovering the loss which must be submitted to
'Mercury' in the event of a claim here under.
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