Page 368 - Misc Ebook IC 78
P. 368
The Insurance Times
(vi) Losses caused by earthquake, typhoon, cyclone,
flood and such other natural convulsions.
(vi) Losses caused by negligence or act of omission of
the insured employees. It may however be noted
that under Section B transit cover, losses due to
negligence of employees covered .
(vii)Losses caused by ionizingradiations or contamination
by radio activity from any nuclear fuel or from any
other nuclear waste.
(viii)Losses caused by nuclear weapons material.
(ix) Losses due to any acts or omissions committed by
the concerned employee after discovery of a loss in
which the said employee was involved.
Q10. What is the basic cover provided under
Burglary Policy issued to business premises.
Also specify the major exclusions thereon.
Write in some detail about the following
variations in the Burglary policy:
(i) Declaration Policy -A declaration policy is primarily
issued in respect of commodities like food grains, cotton,
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