Page 16 - Insurance Times JUNE 2022
P. 16

"For the next three to five years, the  At the end of March 2022, HDFC Life's  HDFC   Life   becomes
          aim is to shore up our topline and  total annualised premium equivalent
                                                                               Signatory        to  United
          distribution footprint. That would be  (APE),  which  is  the  sum  of  the
          through a combination of proprietary  annualised first-year regular premiums Nations  -  Supported
          channels like agency, group, online and  and  10% weighted single premiums,
                                                                               Principles for Responsible
          also inorganic play," said Vighnesh  grew 17% to 9,758 crore from 8,372
          Shahane, Managing Director and CEO,                                  Investment
                                            crore a year ago. Total new business
          Ageas Federal Life Insurance.
                                            premium, which indicates the fresh  HDFC Life recently signed up for the
          IDBI  Bank contributed to about 50  business   the   company   has   UN-supported     Principles   for
          percent of  the topline  through its  underwritten, increased 20% to 24,155  Responsible  Investment  (PRI),
          distribution, Shahane said, adding that  crore in March 2022 from 20,107 crore  epitomising its objective of sustainable
          over  the  last  three  years,  it  had  a year ago.                 growth and long term value creation.
          stopped selling the insurer's products.
                                            HDFC Life claims a market share of  HDFC Life is committed  to following
          The private sector life insurance is  9.3%  in  the  individual  segment  the  principles  of  Responsible
          hopeful  that  with  the  open    measured by the weighted received  Investment (RI). The Company believes
          architecture policy of the IRDAI, it will  premium (WRP). The company covered  that as an active asset manager for
          be able to find a banking partner.  54 million lives in FY22, registering an  policyholders,  who have entrusted
                                                                               their savings with HDFC Life, it is the
          "The inorganic opportunity would be in  increase of 36% over FY21.
                                                                               Company’s fiduciary responsibility to
          terms of a partnership or joint venture
                                                                               generate optimal risk adjusted returns
          with a bank for distribution," Shahane PolicyBazaar rejigs its top
                                                                               over the long term. This objective can
                                            deck                               be served by following the RI approach
                                                                               which  includes  core  stewardship
                                            PolicyBazaar, has elevated cofounder
          HDFC Life posts 13% rise                                             principles  and  consideration  of
                                            and chief financial officer (CFO) Alok
          in March Quarter net              Bansal to executive vice chairman and  environmental, social and governance
                                                                               (ESG) factors in addition to financial
          HDFC Life's net profit increased 13% to  has invested  further in its insurance
                                                                               parameters and outlook, while making
          358 crore in the quarter ended March  broking  arm,  it  said  in  a  stock
                                                                               investment decisions. This framework
          2022 from 318 crore a year ago, led  exchange filing.
                                                                               complements HDFC Life’s philosophy of
          by  higher  premium  income  and
                                            Bansal will step down as CFO on May  achieving  sustainable growth. The
          business margins even as expenses
                                            2 and will be succeeded by Mandeep  Company currently has Assets Under
          remained high.
                                            Mehta,  former  executive  vice    Management of over Rs. 2 lakh crores.
          Premium income net of reinsurance
                                            president  of  finance  at  Max  Life
                                                                               Commenting  on the  development,
          increased 11% to 14,290 crore in the
                                            Insurance. Manoj Sharma, another
                                                                               Vibha Padalkar, MD & CEO - HDFC Life,
          quarter from 12,868 crore a year ago.
                                            cofounder of PolicyBazaar who was
                                                                               said, “We are pleased to announce our
          Total expenses including commissions
                                            earlier the director of finance, has
                                                                               association with the PRI. We endeavour
          increased 15% to 2,430  crore in the
                                            been elevated to deputy chief financial
          quarter from 2,108 crore a year ago.                                 to grow holistically and sustainably by
                                            officer as of April 26.
                                                                               continuing to invest in the five pillars of
          CEO Vibha Padalkar said the higher
                                            Bansal will now lead inorganic growth  our  ESG strategy,  namely -  ethical
          expenses were linked to  the growth
                                            and investment opportunities for the  conduct, responsible investing, diversity,
          the company has seen over the year.
                                            PolicyBazaar group while managing its  equity & inclusion, holistic living and
          She  expects  the  momentum  to
                                            investor relations.                sustainable operations.
          continue even in the current fiscal.
                                            The  company  also  informed  the  As a steward for responsible investment,
          "Despite  the  pandemic,  we  have
          grown at a compounded rate of 17%.  exchanges that Sharat Dhall,  chief  we have been actively applying the ESG
          We are reasonably confident that this  operating officer of its direct insurance  approach in our investment decisions.
          momentum will continue riding on  broking arm,  Policybazaar Insurance  Our alliance with the PRI will further
          economic  growth  as  demand  for  Brokers,  has  resigned  from  the  enable us to streamline our responsible
          savings and investments will remain  company  and  that  Kheadup  Dorji  investment framework as well as adopt
                                                                               and share the industry and global best
          strong  despite  headwinds  like  Bhutia is being elevated to chief sales
          inflation," Padalkar said.        officer.
           16  The Insurance Times, June 2022
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