Page 40 - Insurance Times JUNE 2022
P. 40

Conclusion                                          major part of their workflow because they help guide every
                                                              aspect of their research. They dictate how the assessment
          Systematic reviews provide a robust, rigorous method of
                                                              is performed and the engagement approach with various
          collecting and synthesizing data. In the risk management
                                                              stakeholders  in  terms  of  their  transparency  in
          process,  credibility  is  paramount,  and  a  systematic
          review is a great way to analyse data systematically and
          Many of risk assessment clients use systematic reviews as a  Various Sources

          Q. How has been your company's performance in the   IT and actuarial, are enrolled in  various professional certi-
          current year and your business target for 2022-23?  fication courses. Based on the training need assessment
          As a player in the market, the market condition has a huge  carried out by the HR Team, we also sign up various train-
                                                              ers to bridge the gap for both soft and hard skills. Most im-
          impact on the company. We are currently witnessing an eco-
                                                              portantly a lot of emphasis is given  to creating a profes-
          nomic slowdown  in  Nepal. Government spending remains
                                                              sional, meritocratic, a highly positive working environment
          very low, remittance has reported degrowth and  banks are
                                                              where everyone grows, learns, and contributes to meet the
          now unable to lend due to a liquidity crunch. This has had
                                                              company objective.
          an impact on the life insurance industry where the industry
          as a whole has currently reported a degrowth of about 8%
                                                              In the case of agents, our strategy is to develop professional
          in the first premium collection for the first 8 months of the
                                                              agents who are 100% devoted to the life insurance business.
          current fiscal year. We have however come to the last quar-
                                                              We provide extensive training to our agents on various sales
          ter of the Nepali fiscal year and  almost 50% of total busi-
          ness is booked in the last quarter by the industry. Despite  techniques, compliance, and  other aspects related to busi-
          the current slowdown, Jyoti Life is targeting to close the year  ness. We also aim to create a healthy number of Agency
          with a growth of 20-25% in the first premium and 35% in  Managers with the right mix of sales, business, and techni-
          Gross Premium.                                      cal skills who can lead their large agency  teamsmost pro-
                                                              fessionally. These individuals require key leadership  skills
                                                              also and are therefore provided Train  the Trainers (TOT)
          Q. Continuous professional development of Employ-
                                                              courses. We also expect our agents to be digitally smart and
          ees and Agency force is of utmost importance for the
                                                              well equipped. We have therefore provided an extensive list
          growth of the company. What are your efforts in this
                                                              of features in our mobile app where agents can track their
                                                              business, status of  renewal, team business status, create
          The growth of a company is directly linked to the growth in
                                                              proposals to send to prospective clients, share animated
          capabilities of individual staff and agents in life insurance.
                                                              videos related to a product, etc.
          We at JyotiLife have always kept HR and Agency Management
          a top priority. This has become even more crucial due to the
                                                              Q. Any other development you would like to share?
          scarcity of proper resources both in employee's and agent's
                                                              Despite being a new company, JyotiLife has established  it-
          space. For employees, we are constantly providing in-house
                                                              self as a fundamentally  strong and financially  sound  com-
          training to ensure that our team members have adequate
                                                              pany. We completed our IPO only last year and have already
          background  and knowledge with regard  to various regula-
                                                              paid out a dividend of 10% bonus shares to its sharehold-
          tory requirements and changes. Also, since we are constantly
                                                              ers within 3 years of business operation, the highest among
          improvising, evolving, and  optimizing, our team members
                                                              new companies to date. With unique product offerings, pro-
          need to cope with these changes, hence video calls are used
                                                              fessional and ethical work culture, a dedicated team, strong
          extensively for this purpose. We also have a corporate
                                                              brand value, sustainable and  long-term approach to every-
          trainer who provided various training related  to communi-
                                                              thing, the company  plans to deliver value to all its stake-
          cations, professional development, positivity, etc. New re-
                                                              holders in the days to come too.
          cruits go through an induction program and then  are pro-
          vided on-the-job training. Technical team members such as  Interviewed and edited by: Ms. Nishu Bhagat
           40  The Insurance Times, June 2022
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