Page 204 - A Banker Down the Rabbit Hole
P. 204

asking the Country Head who had worked for 2 years already there. He
           enquired from the expats in his office about me as to who I was and
           where I had worked before, apparently, he was not so happy about the
           attention I got from the Chairman. This I was told by one of my friends
           working in his office.

           I devised the scheme in consultation with the local staff and submitted
           to the Country Head for onward transmission to the Chairman's office in
           India. We got a telex in response that Scheme had been approved and
           we could go ahead and implement the same.

           Insights from the episode
           1.  A constructive suggestion is generally welcome by any higher
               authority and an employee should never be daunted to share
               opinions as long as they are for the benefit of the organization.
           2.  If we talk sense in the interest of the organization, even top boss
               would listen. (The Chairman listened.)
           3.  We must prepare well for the visit of the top boss.

                                       — z —

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