Page 227 - A Banker Down the Rabbit Hole
P. 227

this was a branch with a staff of 200 plus with three different Workers
           Unions and two different Officers Associations. There were people who
           would sit late after working hours and that may be a big distraction and
           there was a possibility of getting involved in any brawl among themselves
           due to obvious reasons. He told me that even my Chief was leaving sharp
           at 5:00 pm and all others leave by 5:30 pm.

           So, to cope up, I devised a new mechanism. I started carrying home
           unfinished files and papers in my briefcase. It worked and pendency came
           down a bit but the problem did not go completely. After a few months,
           I started having slight headache or stuffy head by the evening that would
           stay till I went to bed. Would feel better in the morning and it would
           reappear towards the evening.

           Finally after a few weeks, I decided to consult a doctor. He checked me
           up thoroughly, got necessary lab tests done but did not find any
           ostensible reasons for headache except blood pressure being slightly on
           higher side which he called as "labile hypertension". Now he wanted to
           find out the cause for this. He asked me about my profession and eating
           habits, relations with colleagues, my wife and other family members. I
           told him we had an excellent relationship and were a contented family
           and there was no cause of labile hypertension on such grounds.

           Finally, he diagnosed that bringing work home was too much taxing and
           had resulted into raised blood pressure. He advised me strictly not to
           bring office work home. He prescribed some relaxant tablets to be taken
           at bed time and advised me to come for review after 15 days.

           He also counseled me to take care of health that helps create and also
           enjoy wealth. Any amount of wealth cannot be enjoyed with bad health.
           If I continued to lose health, even employer might ask me to go. He
           advised me to manage the work time better by cutting on unnecessary
           discussions or gossip and meeting people after fixing appointments.

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