Page 55 - A Banker Down the Rabbit Hole
P. 55
13. Union called off the slow down
I was also looking after Personnel Administration like staff salaries,
perks and benefits along with Day Book section. There was a practice
of giving a pen set every six months to all employees including
officers. The local unit of workers union put up a demand to enhance
the budget for the pen set from Rs. 50 to Rs. 100/- that time. We were in
dilemma how to go against the norms. The chief Manager did not agree
to the increase. The staff went on go-slow movement. The work was
getting delayed. Nearby branches suggested to our Chief Manager why he
should bother by giving the Rs. 100 pen set when many other branches
were giving. But Chief Manager was against it as he could foresee series
of such demands coming up if one wrong demand was conceded.
There was a word from the higher office to restore peace tactfully. The
Chief Manager offered to increase the amount to Rs. 60/- but unions
declined to accept. He also remained adamant and one week passed
under great stress due to customer complaints piling up. The Chief
Manager told me philosophically, "Whenever I try my best and still the
matter is not resolved, I leave it to the nature and nature really helps. I
have experienced it many times in past." That came true this time also
for him. The unions finally agreed for Rs. 60/- a piece for pen set and
issue got resolved after one week.
Insights from the episode
1. We can only try hard within our physical and mental resources and
should leave the results to Almighty under such situations.
2. Nature (God) many times comes to help when all our sincere efforts
have proved infructuous.
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52 | A Banker down the Rabbit Hole